16 | You'll Be Okay

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~ (Warning; If y'all are not a fann of cuss words, I'm just warning you now; There are a few in here! )  Now began to read ((:  -----> 

Jake and Alana were working together. It seems like they were trying to make our lives a living hell. It was pretty much working. They followed us where ever we went, they wouldn’t leave us alone. Me and Tyler couldn’t hold hands, kiss, or hug each other without getting ugly looks from not only Jake and Alana but some of Jace’s friend’s when we bumped into them. Why couldn’t they just understand that it’s been a year and I deserved to be happy? Why couldn’t I just be happy?!


I sighed and laid my head on Tyler’s shoulder as we held hands in his bedroom “Don’t worry about them Charlotte, they aren’t worth it. If they were true friend’s they would have been happy that you moved on and not so depressed anymore. Do they expect you to be depressed for the rest of your life?” he said sounding pissed her ran a hand down his face as I placed my hand under his chin to make him look at me, his eyes landed on me and our lips met each other and he asked for entrance and I accepted. We were like that for about fifteen minutes when we pulled away. I rested my head on his chest


“We can’t let these people get to us, make our lives a living hell because that’s what they want. They want to ruin us Tyler.. And I won’t let them” I told him I felt him kiss the top of my head


“I love you Charlotte, you know that right?” he asked I tilt my head up and my eyes landed on his blue eyes and I nodded with a smile


“Yes Tyler, I know that. Do you know I love you?” I asked he tilt his head to the side in a joking matter


“You do?” he asked joking around I smiled and nodded


“Yes I do, so much” I whispered as I turned my body and got on my knees and grabbed his face and my lips landed on his “I” kiss “Love” kiss “You” kiss “So” kiss “Much” another kiss, he laughed against my lips and looked at me in the eyes as he pushed back my hair and grinned at me as he leaned in and kissed me one last time and rested his forehead against mine


“You have no idea how much I love you” he whispered I looked down at my hands that were on his chest


“Don’t leave” I whispered as I looked up, tears stinging my eyes “I don’t want you to leave me…” I told him he pulled me into a small, sweet kiss and sighed as he laid his head on his bed bored


“I don’t want to leave either Charlotte, but my parent’s….” he stopped and shook his head, I grabbed his chin with my hand


“You should talk to your parent’s about it… Please… For me??” I whispered he looked at me for a moment, biting his lip “If you don’t stop biting your lip Imma bit it for you” I told him, he rose his eyebrows in surprised, trust me.. I was surprised also. I covered my mouth as he laughed and then his lips were on mine, now I can get used to this.


I pulled away and hold up my finger “You didn’t ask me to be your girlfriend just yet” I joked he laughed a little big and shook his head

Guardian Angel - (NV) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now