Guardian Angel - Three Years

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I walked down the hallway of University of Florida and pushed opened the door and stepped outside, I looked around and smiled as I climbed down the stairs as a girl I had in one of my classes saw me and waved, I waved right back as I walked towards the parking lot. I pulled out my car keys as I made my way towards my car as I felt someone was behind me, my heart began to pound in my chest as flash of what happened to me last year flashed before my eyes, I began to pick up my pace. I made it towards my car and unlocked my car door and climbed in and shut the car door right behind me and about to lock the doors when the passenger door opened I was about to scream when Tyler's dark hair came to view, I took in a deep breath placing my hand on my chest glaring at my fiance as he smiled at me sweetly 

"Tyler you scared the living crap out of me" I tell him as he looked at me in apologetic 

"Sorry bae" he told me I rolled my eyes as I locket the doors and looked at him "You okay?" he asked in concerned I nodded my head as I smiled at him and waved it off 

"Just don't do that to me" I told him he nodded and then looked me over once more for a moment 

"I did call you a couple of times, but you didn't hear me" he tells me I looked at him and blinked a couple of times and sighed 

"I'm sorry" I tell him as he leaned forward and kisses me and pulled away and smiled at me 

"It's okay babe" he tells me as I smiled at him as I started my car and we were off towards our little apartment that we've been living in for the past three years. 

Through the Three years Jessie and Allen had a baby boy, Gunner Bryce Summers and their pregnant with their second child, their hoping for a girl this go-around. Gunner was a handful, he's going to be a big player when he grows up. Blue eyes and dark hair. Yep. 

Violet and James are engaged also, their planning their wedding after the Graduated from College, but Violet told me it might be a little sooner, since she called me last night announcing that she's pregnant. 

Lyric and Aaron broke up last year, but their still really good friend's, they might even get back together. The only reason why they broke up in the first play was because Lyric is in Cali and Aaron was still in Illinois. 

Me and Tyler are engaged for two years now, last year I was attacked by a crazy stalker that's been stalking me for a year and a half. But now everything was well, yeah I still have nightmares about that night but I push them away, they just make me stronger. And I'm about to tell Tyler the biggest news in our lives. 

I parked my car in our parking lot and we both climbed out and headed inside the building "Hey Ben" we say to the doorman and he smiles at us and nod's as he goes back to the game in front of him, I smiled and shook my head as we go into the elevator and waited till we reached the fourth floor and towards our apartment and inside, I walked towards our bedroom and set my bag on the chair and walk to my side of the bed and got the packages under the bed and walked into the living room where Tyler was pulling out books and notebooks, Tyler was in school for becoming a Lawyer. Me? A therapist. I took in a deep breath and walked over to him and sit down beside him he looked at me with a smile and looked at the wrapped packaged and rose an eyebrow at me 

"Today isn't my birthday, nor our anniversary" he told me I nodded as I chuckled a little bit and looked at him 

"Just open it" I tell him as I handed it to him, he looks at me then back at the packaged and take it and unwraps it and takes off the top and saw the baby picture inside with the pregnancy test with a little note saying 'Hi daddy! I'll be there around August 17th 2016' 

It took a couple of moments then he slowly lifts his head up, eyes widen as I slowly smile at him "Y..You're pregnant?" he asks I nodded as I watch his expression carefully, then he breaks into a huge smile "We're having a baby?!" he asks I laughed and nodded my head as he jump's up and pulls me on my feet and picks me up and twirlers me around as I laugh "WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!" he cheers as he sets me down on my feet and kisses me 

Rayne Margret Vann

Rogerson Bryce Vann

Coming soon, and we're very excited 

 ✝  ✝  ✝

 Hello everyone!!!!

So it's been FOREVER since I updated this story!!!

And I'm so so so sorry!!! I just got WIFI again and I've been working none stop on this story for y'all!!! So I hope y'all like it!!! 

I'll be working extra hard on the Epilogue! I will not be posting it with these others, I hope y'all understand. Three updates in One night/day? Yeah I think y'all totally deserve it!!!

Anyway's, I better get going!!! It's like 2AM where I live and I'm getting sleepy!! Goodnight, or Good Morning or whatever haha!

Xoxo - Rae <3


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