7 | Anywhere But Here (✔ Edited)

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I wiggled out of the ropes tied on my wrists and I bent down undoing the ropes on my ankle and stood up walking towards the table and saw a knife was left. My heart was beating fast and my breathing was heavy. I picked up the knife and walked towards the door and placed my hand on the handle, I took in a deep breath I knew there were going to be guards on the other side. I already knew how to kick some ass so I wouldn’t have to worry much, actually I do because they may have guns and knives to kill me. I shook my head trying to control my thoughts and holding in my breath as I opened the the door and looked out and saw.. No one. Huh, that was odd. Leaving the door unguarded that was a stupid move on Jake’s part. I stepped out and walked slowly down the hallways and looked around the corner and notice there were two men sitting down in the living room watching a football game, cheering for the team they were on. I narrowed my eyes at them, guess they didn’t really care about the prisoner escaping. I looked in front of me and saw the front door was blunted. I bit my lip, this was going to take a little time. I walked slowly and quietly towards the front door, putting the knife in my front pocket and started to unlock the front door

“Should we be checking up on the girl?” I heard one of the men ask as I stopped on the last lock listing, I heard feet moving and my heart started to pond in my chest and I looked around and ran into the closet quietly and cracking the door just in time to see both men walking out of the living room

“Yeah, I think we may have to do that. Maybe give her a cup of water?” one asked the other nodded his head his eyes held guilt and sorrow

“Why does Jake have to kidnap her though?? I still don’t understand his actions” he told his partner, his partner nodded his head agreeing

“I completely agree but I mean I understand why he is doing this though. Kind of anyways” he said and walked into the kitchen and the other followed and out into the long hallway and their voices fading away, I opened the door a little bit and looked down the long hallway and saw them at the door about to opened it. I rushed forward to the front door and unlocking the last lock just in time

“HEY! STOP!” I heard one scream at me I turned and saw them running towards me, the glass of water on the ground and their weapons drawn I shook my head and stepped out into the night air. I began to run, run as fast as I could. I ran into a wooded area and realized it was the park that Tyler and Jace were going to meet up at, but before I could sprint back into a good run I was tackled. I scream bloody murder as my head went back pretty hard and turned on my back and saw it was one of the guy’s I started to fight to try to get him off “STOP MOVING!” he hissed at me I tried to push him off but he was too big, because I didn’t listen to him his fist met my right eye and my nose and lip, I waved my hands in his face trying to stop him from beating me.  Then an idea came to me, I kneed him where the sun doesn’t shine and he howled in pain and fell off of me. I stood up wobbly and looked up and saw his partner coming close that’s when I jumped into a fast run again. When I thought I was far enough I hid behind a big tree and held in my breathing as I felt blood going down my neck. I closed my eyes as I heard their footsteps


“Damn it! Where she go?!” I heard one hissed I bit my lip praying that they wouldn’t find me

“Over there?!” I heard the other question

“Let go! Before Jake get’s home and finds out she escaped!” the first voice hissed and I heard them running off. I stood there for a moment and then began to run towards the parking lot, I knew this park pretty well. I looked around and saw no cars was sitting in the parking lot, my heart beating in my chest I didn’t know where to go. Then my mind told me to go to the hospital. So I began to run fully to the hospital. I was almost there when I tripped and fell twisting my ankle. I hissed in pain and tears fell into my eyes. I shook my head trying to not think about the pain, then my knees started to burn and my palms of my hands, I bit my lip and stood up on my good ankle and limped towards the hospital. When I reached the entrance I almost collapsed but I felt arms around me

Guardian Angel - (NV) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now