Chapter 1

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The day it happened the morning came the same as always, my handmaiden came in ushering me from my sleep and pushing me towards the bathroom. When I came out she sat me in front of a mirror and began to brush out and braid my hair while I ate breakfast. She went over the list of events I had to attend today and I nodded my head as she finished my hair, she helped me into my dress tightening my corset just a bit too much. Letting out a frustrated sigh I walk into the ballroom and see my father dancing slowly with my mother.

They look so happy and in love, I admired them secretly before a loud cough from behind me gives me a small fright. "What are you doing your highness?" A familiar voice says to me and I turn around sheepishly coming face to face with Master Richard, my tutor in royal activities. "I'm observing the etiquettes of ballroom dancing" I lie quickly while referring to my parents dancing still blissfully unaware of our presence. "Shall we start with classical studies then?" his voice not really saying it as a question, we walk into another room just adjacent from the ballroom.

"Are you aware of the upcoming coronation ball?" he says casually as we take a seat opposite from each other, I nod my head aware of the pressure looming over me. I was soon to take the throne my father till then has sat upon, ruling over the kingdom with both passion and insight. He truly is a great king and I admire to rule the Kingdom just as well as he has done all my life.

He nods knowingly his white beard trimmed close to his face, "Then you must be aware that you are to give a speech to all the attending guests" at this I give him a surprised look. "I was not aware of this," I say after a moment of silence, composing myself I take a quill and ink in front of me with a sheet of paper. "Your Highness what are you doing we have yet to start today's lesson" he reprimands me with a soft almost humoured tone. "Perhaps today we could write my coronation speech instead" I give him a cheeky grin before going back to writing.

Having written my speech and practised it till I was fluent and confident in my efforts, not noticing the time I rush off to my room apologising to the many servants I bump into on my way. My handmaiden gives me a stern look mumbling under breath about me needing to be on time for things, even a queen can't be late.

"A queen is never late, everyone else is simply early," my mothers says walking in with such grace that I envy her at this moment. She gives my handmaiden a small nod and she leaves the room closing the door behind her. My mother takes out my braid and grabs the brush gently brushing out my hair, she hums a soft melody and I hum along with her enjoying her company for as long as it will last.

"I've missed you" I whisper quietly half hoping that she doesn't hear me but knowing my mother I know she heard it, and she grasps my shoulder in a sort of hug. "I'm sorry I haven't made time to spend with you recently," she says looking at me through the mirror, "It's just with the planning of your coronation and the supposed attacks that threaten to happen I've had my hands full" her words fly past but what captures my attention is the mention of threats to attack.

"Threats to attack?" I ask turning to face her, pure concern for her safety right now and she cups my face gently. "It's nothing for you to worry about my dear, your father has the situation under control" her voice so gentle I almost believe her words before a guard rushes in completely out of breath and blood coming out of his side.

"Attack, north end wing" he gasps out of breath before collapsing to the ground his weight leaning against the door" my mother's face becomes one that I am not familiar with as she grabs my arm saying nothing as we run out the door past the dead body of the guard. "What's going on," I ask between breaths of exhaustion as we run down a spiral staircase the light becoming dimmer the further we go down. We enter a room and my mother sits me on the bed as she kneels on the ground in front of me, for once she doesn't care about getting her dress dirty.

"Honey, you can not leave this room okay, either your father, Master Richard or I will come get you until then stay right here okay" her face is filled with concern as she eyes the door cautiously. "I love you okay," I say hugging her tightly not wanting her to go, "please stay here with me" I beg as tears flow down my face.

"As a queen, it is my duty to help my people, and as a wife, I must be alongside my husband" she gives me one last hug before rushing out leaving me almost no time to process it. The door clicks and locks behind her, I run to it hitting the door with my fist screaming for her to come back.

I sank to the floor my dress getting dirty as I hug myself in a little ball, as tears flow down my face. I down here for what feels like days but is probably only a few hours when there is a knock on the door, I stay silent and I hear keys rattle and I move and hider under the small rickety bed.

Even though you can still see me from underneath. The rattling stops and a familiar says softly "Your Highness it is safe now" Master Richards voice says from the other side and I quickly rush to the door. Opening it slowly I see Master Richard with a crazed man behind him a knife at his throat, "I'm so sorry your highness" he mumbles before the crazed man stabs him in the neck and his body falls to the ground at my feet.

The man watches his dead body with awe as I cower back further until I've trapped myself against a wall. "Please don't hurt me" I whisper, and the crazed man laughs. "King would not be happy" he takes my arm and grips it tightly as he drags me up the staircase, I almost fall backwards but his tight grip holds me up.

We get into the ballroom and I see my mother, she crying towards my father's body on the ground he's barely breathing. Suddenly a tall man looks at me and smirks, I shrink back looking towards my mother for help.



Writers love writing them
Readers hate being left with them

I relate to both
*evil laughter in the distance*

Peace out, Ty

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