Chapter 15

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Nicholas runs ahead towards the Palace gates as Henry walks beside me in silence, he has a picnic basket in his hands. I quicken my pace and walk up to Nicholas picking him up as he squeals in surprise, "Mommy put me down" he laughs as I put him down. He grabs a hold of my hand as the gates open, we walk out before stopping as I realised I didn't know where we were going because Henry had planned this surprise trip. I look behind and see him with a small smile on his face which disappears the minute he sees me looking at him.

Henry passes me the picnic basket and puts Nicholas on his shoulder as he giggles, "Horsey horsey" he laughs and points into the distance. Henry begins walking as I follow behind them, becoming very thoughtful and conflicted with the way Henry is. She followed him towards a place she was vaguely familiar with, they had entered the forbidden grounds of the Ancient City that fell to ruins when the great invasion occurred in the early centuries before the monarchy reign. The ruins of a battlement, nestled in ruined structures and nature. The mass graveyard.

W-what are we doing here" I say my hand covering my mouth as my eyes water, this was a very sacred place that held an even more precious memory to me. "I found this a few years back it's been my special place since then," he says letting Nicholas off his shoulders and I run to him punching him in the cheek. "NO THIS CAN'T BE YOUR SPECIAL PLACE" I shout hitting his chest over and over again, I pay no attention to the scared looking Nicholas hiding behind Henry who lets me hit him without showing any emotion. His face is stoic

"T-this is my parent's special place, you took their titles, their castle, their daughter, don't take this too" I cry into his chest and he wraps his arms around me securely I'm too tired to fight against him anymore. I feel a small pair of arms wrap themselves around my legs and I know immediately that it's Nicholas, "it's okay mommy don't cry" he says his voice is shaking a little, he must still be scared from my outburst not that long again.  I feel Henry's breath on my neck his lips are slowly getting closer to my ear.

"I wasn't going to steal their special place, but show you what I did in their honour in their special place my queen" he whispers softly stroking my head softly,  I sniffle letting go of him and wiping my eyes with the back of my hands. I turn around and crouch opening my arms to Nicholas who hugs me, I kiss his head "I'm sorry for scaring you little one" I say and he hugs me tighter before we let go. I look ahead of me and I notice something that I didn't notice before, there was a small formation of rocks that weren't there before.

I walk closer, inspecting the smaller details. The rocks were smooth and some pieces weren't rocks at all but, coloured glass that made colour swirls around it. "Here lies Former the Former King and Queen, may they rest in peace together for the rest of eternity" I read the words carved into the largest stone. "Y-you did this for me?" I ask looking at Henry as he watches Nicholas keeping an eye on him, he nods his head "I just thought it would be nice for you to be able to have something that honours them and you can visit if you feel like you want to be with them" he says his voice is void of emotions.

"Thank you," I say knowing if I were to say what I was really feeling this small trip with Nicholas will be ruined. He doesn't say anything back to me, just grabbing my hand and leading me towards Nicholas who's already got his hands in the picnic basket. Suppressing a small laugh as I see Henry sigh before whistling at Nicholas who smiles shyly at getting caught, "are you hungry already buddy" I ask picking him up as Henry grabs out a picnic mat and lays in on the ground

Nicholas nods his head, I grab a small bow filled with cut fruits and give Nicholas a strawberry which he takes happily munching away on it before grabbing the entire bowl from my hand. "Where are your manners Nicholas what do you say to your mother," Henry says sternly but in a gentle was, "thank you mommy" he grins reaching over and kissing me on the cheek. "You're welcome but you also need to thank your father for bringing us," I say and Nicholas nods "thank you daddy" he goes to kiss Henry on the cheek but he quickly hugs him instead.

We spend a few minutes just eating in silence enjoying the tranquillity of our surroundings, I notice Henry subtly always putting more food onto my plate every time its near empty and I smile softly wondering if he knows that I know he's doing it. Soon Nicholas gets bored and decides to run around a bit which I agree to let him go as long as he stays within my sight. "He's an odd child that boy, we must start his knight training once he has fully settled in," Henry says glancing at me briefly before looking back at Nicholas.

"Not his Prince duties, he will be the next King perhaps we should start with Royal studies instead," I say and Henry stops me from saying anything further as he grasps my chin tightly so that I'm looking at him. "The boy will not be the next Ruler of this Kingdom, you will bear us our son who will be the next King not him" his voice is hard and menacing, I can't say anything before his lips captured mine. He kisses me roughly showing me who is King, it's him.


I would rather die than let you fill your heart with darkness

Thank you so much for 830 read <3

Peace out, Ty 

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