He gently placed the ring on my finger, the sudden feeling of the cold metal suddenly snapped me into reality. I just agreed to marry this man, I was going to marry this snake and it was my own decision he smiled in satisfaction as he held my hand. He looked at me. His hair was now a mess as I had run my fingers through them in my absence of the memory of my parents, and in the soft glow of the candlelight, he looked more human than I'd ever seen him. "I guess I'm asking you to trust me," he said.This had me thinking of his true intentions, at times he seemed just like a young boy with a sweet crush, other times he seems like an experienced lover but most often he is like a crazed snake-like man. "If I decide to trust you, will the Kingdom fall into flames or will it rise from the ashes?" I whisper in his ear. "That my dear depends on how well you behave" he whispers back huskily biting my ear softly, I nod swallowing my words stunned into silence. "That's the right answer my pet" he smirks and pets my head.
I smile sweetly at him, a fire within my eyes at his expression. "My King, please let me know how to please you, my first and deepest desire is to please you," I say through gritted teeth. Henry holds his chin pretending to be in thought, before a malicious grin forms on his face and he picks me up and carries me over his shoulder back into the Kings Chambers. I squealed in surprise when he threw me onto the bed and he let out an animalistic growl, before tearing my dress. I covered myself as my chest was exposed.
How he had managed to rip my undergarments as well was unknown to me. "Do not cover yourself from me" he growls pulling my arms and pinning them above my head as his eyes greedily looked at my exposed chest, "I will forever cherish your body, do not hide it from me" he kisses my neck, his teeth nipping at my skin. "You are so beautiful" he moans into my neck and I shiver at his hot breath. His tongue comes in contact with my skin and I try to wiggle out from underneath him.
He lets out an animalistic growl and grips my bodily more tightly, "you will not struggle" he hisses in my ear before he peppers my neck with soft kisses. "P-please" I whimper out as my hands held onto his hair, "please what princess" he groans his eyes meeting my own. I few stray tears roll down my cheeks, "please stop" I whimper as he wipes the tears with his thumb. He looks as he is about to growl again and ignore my plea when he lets out a shaky breath and he slowly gets off me, he runs his hands through his hair.
His back to turned away from me as I use the sheet on the bed to cover my body. I expect him to say something, to turn into a raging beast or a remorseful man but he says nothing the room is almost silent. Our heavy breaths were the only tell tales of us being in the room, "get changed I'm going to get Nicholas we're going for a trip" he has a brief glance at me before quickly walking out the door slamming it behind him. I quickly run from the bed to the bathroom locking the door behind me.
I grip the edge of the sink to balance myself, I'm still in a state of shock as I drop the sheet and stare at my body I examine the damage. My dress is ruined beyond repair, there are small hickeys all over my neck and the top of my chest. My heart is beating furiously against my chest, as I claw at my skin wanting to remove the mark he made on my skin. I notice the ring on my finger and I stop, realising that no matter how much I attempt to claw at the marks on my skin.
The ring on my finger is a permanent reminder of my submission to him, I splash my face with water before drying it and covering his love bites with makeup. I unlock the door and walk into the closet choosing a simple white knee-length dress with small yellow daisies along the edges, I touch the small collar at my neck and smooth the stray hairs on my forehead before heading towards Nicholas's room. As I near his room I hear faint laughter, one sounds childish and small and the other sounds loud and booming.
I knock on the door softly before opening it, I see a smiling Nicholas and Henry on the bed. Henry is tickling Nicholas and growling softly pretending to be a monster, "I'm going to eat you if you don't get dressed" his laugh isn't harsh or menacing but full with joy, Nicholas nods in a fit of giggles and Henry stops. Nicholas spots me and his already big smile widens and shines brighter, "mommy come rescue me" he laughs as Henry starts to tickle him again. "If you get dressed the monster will stop tickling you," I say and smile at him holding up his dress shirt, he nods as Henry stops tickling him and picks him up bringing him over to me.
"Now you listen to mommy she's a smart woman" Henry's voice is husky and he glances briefly at me and I can see that his lips are still slightly full and red from our heated session not that long ago. "Yes daddy I will" he replies letting me put his shirt over his head. I ruffle his hair and kiss his forehead, "are you excited for the trip?" Henry asks giving me Nicholas's shoes.
Nicholas nods his head in excitement "yes"
Thank you so much for 570 reads <3
There is nothing left to say, except the truth
Peace out, Ty

The New Kings Pet
ФэнтезиHe killed my parents, stole my kingdom and made me his pet. What he didn't know was I was going to burn down his new empire and raise my Kingdom back from the ashes My amazing cover was made by @Electric177 Thank you so much