The Plan.

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The sun was, shining through Made's bedroom. Made loved morning sunshine. It was perfect than alarm clocks blaring in your ears. She got up and went to the dresser.

The mirror showed her face. Jawline was crooked at the corner to the ear because of the punch she received from her bully, Cassandra. She gave her back into her stomach, which instantly gave her detention. Her pale skin reflected the sunlight perfectly. Her green eyes had a little warmth but more wild in them. Today was the day she was waiting for. Everything had finally fallen in place.

Made Williams, 18. Blonde and had brains. She had cracked he scholarship exam in just one month and not in any other college, but Lancaster, the place where greatest lawyers passed out from. She wanted to be a human rights lawyer. Just like her real parents. And today was the day.

Her classes start next week, but she really wanted to leave soon. Her adoptive parents were just, effed up.

Her parents died in a car accident. Without anyone to their family, they left her. She was just 6. She had never remembered them but had a picture framed on the backdoor.

She was adopted by an alcoholic pair of people who would always argue and make her feel bad about herself. Sometimes Made had to lock herself up in her room for the screaming was terrible. It was all set. Today she would leave. Forever.

She took a cold shower, just the way she liked it, grabbed on a pair of jeans and a black hoodie. Her hood was pulled up and she covered her face with a black mask. Her bags were packed and she was going to go down the balcony. The ladder was in place where she left it in the night. But she had to wait till night to escape. She went to school that day. To meet her best friend, Vance. They both were friends since 3rd grade.

As she came down the stairs, she heard her "mother" shout
"And you are the fucking reason we are broke!"

Her mother was a waitress addicted to alcohol, her father was a truck driver with the same problem. Both never had a proper relationship with each other.

"I'm leaving, both of you."

"Yeah, your school does eat up half of the dough we get. Get lost ho."

Made left without arguing. There was no point. She did once and ended up being kicked. In the stomach.

She walked to school. Her favourite thing to do is walking. She loved observing and being able to find other people who were happy. Not like her.

Her school was blocks away. She entered the gate to be ambushed by a bone-crunching hug from Lance. He was a tall albino, with grey eyes and blue hair. He was always good looking and strings of girls would always follow him.

"Morning! My little munckin."
Made pulled herself out of the hug and said
"Morning too smurf. Today is the day."

Lance knew about the day. He helped her with the flight ticket as his father worked in an airline company. He also gave a letter of recommendation to the college which sealed the deal. He also offered to be her legal guardian,which she dufully accepted.

"Yeah. Geek like you should be at that college. But I'll miss you."

Lawrence Mendoza. Arts specialist and was getting into a reputed art school. He was very talented and funny. Made sticked to him because he rarely flirted with her.

"I know Lance. But we'll be in touch."
"Touch as in touch or...."

Made kicked him in the butt. "Ow! Alright then. Let's meet up after classes. I'll drop you off and pick you up in the night. We'll be good today. Like NINJAS HAIYA!" He shouted and kicked the gate.

Made laughed and patted him on the back. He ran to his classes. He was not in any of Made's classes, which sucked but she didn't complain. She was not a mushball like other girls. It was her last class. She went to her locker to take her English notes but was stopped by none other than Cassandra and her minions.

"Last day I see. Well good for you. And the school. You broke bitch." she spat.

Made didn't answer and moved to take her books when the locker door was closed shut but her friend. Nicole.

"Hey. You didn't reply whore."

Made controlled herself and opened the locker by force, which surprised the girls. She took her books, locked her locker and was about to leave when

"Hope your parents... Oops sorry, you have adopted one's right."

Made curled up her fist when Lance appeared.

"Girls. I would love the mean girls to happen in combat version. But not today. Y'all can't have a detention today. You especially munckin."

He was right. She walked away.
If it weren't for Lance  she would have been to jail already.

Classes were over. Made made her papers be transferred to Lancaster with Lance's help. What pun.

She came back late as she did not want to see her parents.

Both were out without locking the door. A usual practice.

Made got in. She changed to another hoodie and slept. She had a flight at 2 in the morning. She needed the sleep.
Her laptop was packed and her other things which she worked very hard for at the record store nearby. It was 12 now. Made was happy, excited, nervous all at once. She slept with great difficulty. There at 1 30 she heard a loud clang of metal.

Made peeping out of the door finds her parents passed out on the front door. The sound was the metal frame falling which was on the wall.

She got ready with the bags, checked her emails and attendance letter, left an envelope on her table. She did not have any energy to talk and explain to her parents. They hated her anyways and were more than happy to see her leave.

A Red hatchback pulled up near her balcony. Made saw Lance dressed in a neon tracksuit. He gestured her to throw the bags in his direction, which she did and he caught all the bags mid-air. She climbed down the ladder and then jumped onto the wall separating her house and the road. Thankfully the ladder stayed in place and did not fall. She jumped down and was thankful for the physed classes in school.

"Ready munckins?"

"Ready Smurf."

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