Hotel Hugs

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"Girls!" Made shouted.
Vi woke up, instantly. Cel and B groaning.
"We're here." Made spoke, her Green eyes glinting.
They were in front of a huge hotel.
"So soon?" B stretched.
"I told you. I drive fast B" Made said handing the keys to the vallet.

All got down.
Vi walked to the reception. Cel behind her. Made was behind them, dragging Brenda.
"I'm coming." B protested.
At the reception Vi spoke
"Four rooms please."
"Two will do." Cel said, interrupting.
"Why need more if you can have better with less? Its just a night." Cel glanced at B.
"She's right." B supported her.
"Alright. Two."

"Ok girls. Two rooms under Victoria Summers. Your luggage has been transferred." The receptionist smiled at Made.
All walked to their rooms. Both were side to side. Comfortable, with queen beds. The view of the highway was killer.

"Cel and I will share a room." B said.
"But why?" Made said, turning red.
"Because we need to be together. Besides Cel snores and Vi can't sleep with snores" B said.
"I don't snore!" Cel protested.
"Alright." Vi's eyes glinted.

Made felt happy and scared. In a weird way.
"She really hates noise. I'm sorry. You can switch with me" Brenda said. She looked concerned.
"No problem. How bad will it be?" Made retorted. B smiled and hugged her.
"Alright ladies. Lets eat! I want pasta." Cel was excited.
"How are you still so energetic?" Vi said, with a frown on her face.
"Food is exciting, and beside, I'll eat you all up." Cel spoke, smiling.
Damn she was cute. Made thought.
"Ill order. For all." B said.
All nodded in agreement.

B disappeared into the other room.
"I wanna take a shower. I'm in the next room." Cel said winking at Made.
Made smiled nervously.

Vi was standing at the balcony, her mane was left open. Her tattooed hand gleaming in the evening sun.

"You've never slept with anyone?" She asked, pulling Made's attention from her hair.
"No." She replied, joining her.
"Hmm." Vi replied, staring at the horizon.
Made was staring at Vi's shoulder.

"Do you like endings?"
"What?" Made asked.
She turned to Made, her hair flipping.
Gosh take me. Made thought.
"Endings. Do you like them?"
"I don't."
"Because I believe all things should not end. And a crappy ending is just straight B.S."
"Like?" Vi questioned.
"Like a good book. A family. An ending should be replaced with a cliffhanger."
Vi nodded, leaning on the railing.
"Lets kill with suspense mate...!" Made said imitating Captain hook.

Vi cracked up. Her laughter was true bliss.

"What about love?" Vi whispered.
"Then it's a journey. You never end it. And if it ends..." Made trailed off
"And?" Vi whispered.
"It was a wonderful mistake. No regrets." Made said smiling at Vi. That brilliant smile showing her green eyes and teeth. Vi was knocked off for a moment.
She nodded.
Made put her hand on Vi's shoulder, pulling her in. Vi felt a sudden electricity flow through her. She engulfed Made in a hug. Made felt butterflies in her stomach.
"Dinner's served. Who's in?" Brenda said poking her head through the door.

After pasta, Made flopped on the bed. Tired. She got up to get bed ready. A cold shower and pjs were enough.
"You ready?" Vi's voice boomed from the door.
"Yeah come in." Made replied.
Vi came in. Her guns n roses T shirt and grey pjs looked perfect on her.

"If you feel uncomfortable, I can sleep on the couch." She offered, her puppy eyes staring at Made.
"No!" Made almost shouted.

Vi stared at her. An eyebrow raised.

"I's a pretty big bed. We can share." She defended.
"Alright.  As you wish woman." Vi said, walking to the right side of the bed.
"Come on." She said, patting on the left side of the bed.

Made giggled. She gingerly sat on the edge. She laid down.
Vi pulled the covers over them.
Made was happy. She was staring at the roof when,
"Not sleepy?" Vi asked, her back to her.
"No. I'm sleepy. Just..." She trailed off.
Vi turned to her. Her puppy eyes, reflecting the moonlight.
"Just?" She murmured.
"Takes time. I'm kinda scared."
"My parents always made a lot of noise. So I'm just a little scared." She admitted.
Vi put her hand on Made's torso, sending sparks down her spine.
"I'm here. Nothing will happen." Vi murmured. Her head nuzzling Made's shoulder, making Made shiver, in a good way.

Made nodded. She drifted to sleep. A smile plastered on her face.
A.N that's it! I'm trying to get a little intimate, in progress! I have exams so update is slow.... please bear with meeeee

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