The start

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Both of the girls plonked their bags near the sofa with a thud.
"So tomorrow morning we leave. I have my car. We'll take that."
"Car or cars?" Brenda smirked.
Made gave a confused look.
"Vi is a businesswoman. She runs a production company. Lot of ka-ching there." Celsiya spoke.
"Yeah. She is my partner." Vi smiled and put her hands on Celsiya's shoulders.
Made smiled. "I thought you'd be a model?"
"Yeah. People confuse me for that. But no." Celsiya spoke.
"So where is your garage?" Made asked.
"It's downstairs. Come along Maddy." Brenda said pulling her to the stairs.
Vi smiled.
"I missed you." Celsiya spoke, with a sad smile.
"Me too. I couldn't contact you guys because..."
"I know. We love you Vi. We're always here for you." Celsiya said hugging her.
"What on earth!" was the car scream that separated them.
"Known reaction" Vi said, raising her eyebrows.
Both go to the garage to see Made's mouth open. There were at least 10 cars. Most were Porches or Lamborghinis, A Range rover with a black matte paint with flames at the side.
"That Rover would be great for the trip." Brenda said.
"I wanted the Porsche man. But I guess rov is perfect. Considering the people and luggage. What's your opinion Cel?" Vi asked
"Rov it is then." Cel said. "What you Maddy?" Cel said, staring at her.
"Hmm. You have an expensive taste gal. But I guess a lambo won't fit my one day's outfit too. So yeah." Made said.
The three started laughing.

"I love fast cars man. You should check out my bike collection." Vi smirked.
"Ok real talk though, we need to leave at 5 tomorrow. Pack up ladies." Brenda said, smacking Vi in the butt.
"Ow. What was that for?" Vi protested.
"Nothing. Get ready." She winked.
"I'll pack up." Made said.
"I'm coming too Maddy. Need to check the new room." Cel said and followed her to the room.
"Cel likes her." Brenda said.
"I know." Vi said


All four were ready by 5:30, courtesy, Cel forgetting her mobile charger.
"So LV is 400 kms away. And B is our navigator." Vi announced. Made was at the back seat with Cel.
"Yeah cause Cel can't handle technology." Brenda said
"Tbt. I can. You were the one confused between a dating app and a matrimonial one"
"Honestly, Both seem the same to me."
Vi said.

"Yeah. Its like confusing thongs and grannypanties." Cel said. Laughter soared through the rover.
"Not funny." Vi said.
"I'm bored." Made sighed.
"Let's play a game." Brenda suggested.
"Ok so how about truth and dare?" Vi suggested.
"Ok. So you first. Truth or dare?"
"Your first kiss." Made blurted out.
"You seem interested." Cel spoke, poking Made in the side.
Made blushed.

"Yeah. It was a guy. I was 10 then and I kissed him."
"No cooties?" Brenda asked.
Vi poked her in the side.
"No. Actually I was a born professional."
"In not getting cooties?" Made added.
Cel laughed.

"Ok enough. Cel you truth or dare?"
Vi said shifting gears.
"Have you kissed a girl?"
"Yes I have."

She replied. Turing red.
"Ooh. Who was she and why don't we know." Brenda sighed.
"It was before coming here man. She did it."

"That Orlando bitch?" Vi inquired.
"Yeah. She initiated it. But thank god I'm a straight single woman." Cel spoke, smiling at Made.
"Made T or D"
"If you had to make out with anybody on this car, who would it be?" Brenda asked looking at them from the front mirror.

"Hmm" Made said thoughtfully, her hand on her chin. Damn she looked cute, Vi thought.
"Vi I guess. She's a professional."
"In not getting Cooties?" Cel spoke, earning laughter from Brenda.
Vi rolled her eyes.


All had breakfast at a diner.
"So ladies, tomorrow evening we shall reach. According to the pace we are moving." Brenda said sipping her coffee.
"Wow. I'm tired driving." Vi said, finishing her pancakes.
"Ill drive. I have a license." Made squealed.

"Shotgun" Vi called. Walking to the counter to pay.
"She's a sweetheart Made." Brenda said.
"Yeah. I know. " Made said.
"She likes you." Cel spoke, poking her in the side.

"Really?" Made said, attacking Cel. She was laughing.
"We've never seen her make plans like this. She's... changed" Brenda said, gulping her coffee.
"I'm going to the washroom" Celsiya said. Brenda followed her.

Made walked out the diner. Vi was sitting on the rovers hood.
"They in the loo" Made said.
"Cel's bladder is the tiniest in the world." Vi smiled, her breathtaking one.

Made felt herself blush.
"So... you drive eh?" Vi mocked.
"Drive? I own the streets gal." Made spoke with confidence.
"Lance told me you love driving." Vi said leaning into Made's face. Made felt her breathing hitch.

Those lips looked, perfect. Made thought. Her black hair was in her face, adding the effect.

"Get a room!" Cel shouted from the back. Vi rolled her eyes.
"To be continued" she whispered into Made's ear.

All climbed in. Cel and B drifted off to deep sleep. Made loved the outside view. The rover was well maintained. She thought.
Vi was still awake.
"So Vi, how many-"
What, Made thought
"70 tattoos. I've lost count." Vi said running her hand through her hair. Damn. She was sexy.
"Do you have one?" She murmured.
"No. I'd love to have one." Made smiled. Wow. She's prettier when she smiles. Vi thought.

"I'll ink you one." Vi whispered, enough for Made's ears.
"You ink? Damn." Made spoke, glancing at her.
"Mmhmm" Vi hummed, drifting to sleep.

It was sure. Vi felt safe with her. Made felt her heart rush, looking at Vi sleep in peace.

Made liked her.

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