Los Angeles

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"So you land LAX on 5 am. Your flatmate has sent her directions to me and you. I guess you'll like her."

Made frowned. She heard a ping from her phone, it was from her flatmate. Directions and a message saying:
Hi, names Victoria. You can take the car to the front of the exit. A man will be waiting for you. He ain't no axe murderer. He'll get you here.
Waiting to meet you.

"How do you know her?"
"An old acquaintence. She's a catch really. Booty and all but has too many damn tat-"

"When will you stop objectifying women's body parts smurf? When?"

"When you won't be a virgin and I see you lose it right in front of you."

She rolled her eyes. He punched her softly from the driver's side

"Relax Munchkin. I'm a perverse young teenager. I need my action."

Made smiled. She looked outside.
New York was a pretty place and all but not for her. LA was better. Sunnier.

They reached the airport.
Lance helped with the bags and stood in front of her.

"I'll miss you sweetheart. You the realest one."
"I'll miss you too smurf." she said running her hand through his blue hair. "Promise me you'll keep up with me."

"What! Ew no. I have other women to feel upto."

He received a hit on the head. He smiled sadly.

"Take care Made."
They both hugged each other. Made was on the verge of crying. Lance was there for her always. He was her brother from another mother.
"If taking care means to punch all those who are dickheads then yes. I will."

He laughed and kissed her forehead.

"Bon Voyage Made Williams."

Made smiled and turned with her bags.

Delta was a great flight. She got her pass and checked in. She pulled out her parents picture, this was the only nearest memory she had of them.

I'm coming Papa and Mama. She thought.
LAX was busy as a fish market. Made got her bags and then moved to the exit. She came to the exit and found her driver. He had a sign in his hand
Made Williams. WELCOME! TO! LA!

Made smiled and went to him. He was a man in his 40s. A beard and bushy eyebrows. His eyes were warm. But he did look like an axe murderer.

"Made Williams?"
He smiled and took her bags into the car standing nearby.
Made sat in the rear seat. The day was perfectly sunny for her.
"I'm Josh. Miss Victoria's driver. She calls me axe. You can too."
Made giggled and started to scroll through her new instagram. She had deleted her old accounts to lose connection with her old friends except Lance. He knew that she wanted to disappear and currently he was her only friend on all social media.

Axe pulled into the house. It was a huge one. Made was awestruck, she looked like a puppy at a pet store. It had only one floor but a beautiful garden and complete with lounge chairs and a hammock outside. The glass windows were huge and the verandah was neatly covered with carpet grass. The car stopped. Made got down.
"You call this a flat? It's a bloody bungalow."

Axe smiled and took her bags inside. Made went into the house which revealed a large hall comprising of expensive sofas and a dining table. The walls were painted white except one which was painted blue and had
a painting on it, with a small motorcycle mounted on the wall. It was spray painted completely with different colours and looked beautiful. There was a signature on the side of the exhaust. Lance. She immediately recognised.

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