Mornings, apples and her.

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Made woke up, the morning sunshine, on her face. She was still in the bed. Vi was nowhere in the room.
She got up. As her foot hit the floor,
"Morning, Made." Vi's voice was heard from the balcony.

Made was surprised.

"Morning. Vil." She got up to see her sitting cross-legged in the balcony. Her T-shirt was off, showing her back tattoos and shoulders. The black bra was a  perfect fit on her body. Made felt a sudden surge to caress her hair and back.

"I feel you are staring at me, Made." Vi said, turning to smile at her.
"No. I wasn't!" Made defended. "The morning is perfect." She said, coming to the balcony and sitting beside her.
"You look cute when you sleep" Vi said, making Made blush.

"Yeah. I probably look like a drunkard who is having erotic dreams."
Vi laughed. She was effortless. Her goofy laugh was perfect.
"So we leave in the next 2 hours. Cel and B are both getting ready." Vi spoke, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I woke up late?!" Made screamed.
"No silly! Both were up just 10 minutes before you." Vi said.
Made was relieved.
"You get up early." Made said, tucking Vi's hair behind her left ear. Vi smiled.
"Hmm. I usually don't get good sleep. But yesterday, I slept absolutely fine." Vi replied, getting up.
Made got up. She was happy.

"Imma take a shower." Vi said, stepping into the shower.
"Ill get breakfast going." Made said and rushed out.
Vi switched on the shower, letting the water cascade over her skin. She felt different. A fluffy, warm feeling was around her, probably the water, but she was... happy for once.

The previous night, she was staring at Made, looking at her freckled face, her eyebrows, her closed lids, the slope of her nose. Everything. Like she wanted to paint her a portrait. Soon she fell asleep back on her shoulder. The shower was nothing compared to her warmth.

She got out in a white robe. Made's T-shirt was on The bed. She picked it up to sniff her scent: a mix of morning dew and freshly cut grass, her favorites. She changed into a pair of blue jeans, a T-shirt, and her favorite leather jacket. A hat completed the look. She went out to see Brenda waiting.
"Finally! Lets eat."
Made was with Cel. She earned a few stares from the people in the hotel. She wore a T-shirt with a flannel and a pair of converse sneakers. Her hair was neatly combed.
Made wore a white shirt with black jeans and blue sports shoes.
"So, how did you sleep? Hope you weren't annoyed by her." Cel winked.
"No. She's a little...
"Silent?" Cel completed, entering the buffet room.
"Yeah. Like her silence is just... A little fearful." Made spoke picking up toast and pancakes with orange juice and an apple.
"Don't worry. She is like that. You'll love her." Cel said, picking a bowl of cereal.
"They have cereal?" Made was surprised.
"Yeah. Practically all types of breakfast"
Both sat at the first table. Facing the entrance.
"So, do you like her?" Cel asked. Serious looking.
"Yeah I do. I love you guys too." Made said, smiling and sipping her juice
"Great. She's changing Made. Take care of her. B too loves you. She's a great hoooman." Cel said, spooning her cereal in her mouth.
"What change?"
"That's not my story."
Made was awestruck at the reply. What is Vi hiding? She thought.
Made turned to see B and Vi, her hair in a ponytail, spilling her front bangs. She looked like a samurai. B wore a pair of chinos and an orange t-shirt.
"Morning Cel." Vi said, putting her pancakes on the table. B brought toast and was balancing two coffees in her hand.
"Ill get it" Vi said, taking a mug from her hand.
B sat down.
Vi sat with B.
"So we need to leave after breakfast. Uncle called. He's very happy to let us stay in his resort. And your T-shirt is with Vi." B said, gesturing to Made with her fork.
"Great. Her uncle is lit. He's so chill man, sometimes I wish he was my boyfriend." Cel sighed.
All laughed.
"So y'all ready? I'm going to get the car ready with the luggage." Cel said, finishing her bowl.
"That fast? Dayam girl." B said.
Cel hit her on the head.
"So how did y'all sleep? Looks like you had a good nap." B said poking Vi in the side.
Vi smiled.
"Yeah. No snoring."
"Easy for you to say." B retorted, sipping her coffee.
Vi sipping her coffee, gave B a mocking smile.
"You are so unreserved B. I'm low-key jealous." Made said her mouth full of Apple.
"Yeah. Tell that to my dates."
Made giggled.
Vi finished her food. Made took a bite from her Apple when Vi snatched it from her.
"What?" Made shouted.
"I need a bite."
"She loves apples. They were out of it" B said, finishing her coffee.
"Good. Apple thief" Made frowned.
Vi smiled. She took a big bite.
"Great." Made pouted.
Vi tossed it back to Made who caught it in time.
"Come. Let's leave." Vi said smiling at Made.

She was a charmer.
All were out on the road. Singing girl anthems, laughing and a little drink.

"You had booze?" Cel asked, watching B pull out a bottle of vodka, and shot glasses, from her bag.

"Yeah. Vi did. Why vodka?" B asked opening the cap and passing a glass to Cel.

"Because I hate it. And prevents me from being drunk." Vi smirked at Made.

She knew.

Made smiled. It was a smile of gratitude.

"And I'm not drinking anymore." She said, focussed on the road. Made was shotgun, Cel took a gulp.

"Eahh. Suit yourself." B said, sipping from the bottle.
"They will be stoshed by half that bottle, and sleep away. They don't make great drunks." Vi said, shifting gears.

And sure enough, they did.

Both started to sing offkey and started to yell out loud.

Cel almost was outside the window, Made pulled her in and closed the Windows.
She laughed.

"Maddy, I'm your franddd" she dragged off and knocked out on B's lap. B was already in snores.

Made laughed, and sat back on the seat.
"You are sure a great caretaker. And dayam gurl that booty!" Vi shouted.
Made blushed. Wait...

"You're checking me out?! The hell Violet Summers?" She was angry.

"Yeah. Can't help my gay ass" she winked at Made. "You're sexy when you're angry." She glanced at Made.

Made was smiling ear to ear.

Let's tease her shall we? Made thought.

She turned in her seat and jumped on Vi's lap, completely getting her off guard.

"Made! What are you...." she screamed, turning to look at the road.

Made turned her head towards her, resting her arms on Vi's shoulders,staring deep into her coffee brown eyes.
She lingered near her lips, making Vi shiver, she was lost in those green eyes. Her lips wanted to, but she was looking so deep into Made's eyes, she forgot about that for a second.

For a second, they stayed that way, looking at every detail in each other's faces, until Vi pressed the brakes, turning her face to the side window. Made rocketed forward, hugging Vi.
The rover stopped.
Made pulled herself back, hesitantly, and went back to her seat.
"Ain't that brave Vi?" She smiled, playing with her hair.
This girl was trouble.

Cel and B were puking their guts out.
"Both don't know their tolerance." Vi said, patting B's back and holding her hair.
Made was doing the same with Cel.
"Yeah. And why did the rover stop" Cel whined, amidst puke.
Both Cel and Vi looked at each other.
Made laughed and narrated the incident.

Both laughed their guts out. Literally.
"Vi has competition." Cel said, standing up and washing her face.
B walked to the rover, brought her phone.
"So 29 kms only. A night's drive will reach us." B said.
"Ok. Ill drive." Made smiled at Vi. That eye- crinking, smile, making her look prettier than ever.

Vi felt a rush of electricity in her body, she wanted to sink into those lips, explore every inch of Made, wanted to see her smile, everyday.
She admitted it.

She was in love.

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