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The morning was beautiful in Las Vegas. The sky scrapers, the clubs and everything shined in their morning sunlight. Made was enjoying the ride, smiling and taking everything in.

She glanced at Vi, who was deep asleep. Made's eyes lingered on her lips, thinking how perfectly would they fit with her own. She then drifted away, thinking about what was this alpha hiding, what happened and why did she change.

What did all those tattoos mean?

Why was she being so nice to her?

Deep in thought, Made felt a hand on her thigh.

"You seem lost." Spoke that majestic voice, making Made's spine shiver.

"Nothing. Just thinking where I am right now. My parents haven't even texted me or anything." Made lied.

"Hey, listen. You don't have to be so sad. It's better if you are aware that your parents are fucktards and you are so capable for Lancaster. You will be a great lawyer." Vi said, in a supportive voice.

Made smiled.
Vi was so intrigued by her. Her construct, her wilderness and will power was so intriguing, she was attracted to her. Her green eyes looked so perfect in the morning sun. She wanted to caress her soft curves, kiss her freckles and literally just wanted to keep her safe. If she could just.....

"We here." Made shouted, pulling into a big Villa like building. The resort was so majestic, with white walls and blue pillars, it looked like a castle. The blue bricked walls were perfectly painted and reflected the water of a gigantic swimming pool and people were in, laughing and enjoying themselves.

B got up, and Made pulled into the parking lot. A vallet came and took the Rover away.

All were welcomed by a 6 foot tall man, who wore a Fedora and a classic suit, with a pocket square. He had a line of women lined up with champagne and chocolates all ready for them.
"Wassup uncle Jo!" B said, shaking his hand and pulling him into a hug.
"All good sweetie. I missed you and the crew gurl, looks like you have a new gal now." Jo said, kissing Made's hand. Made smiled.
"Made Williams." She said, beaming at him.
"Joe Millson" he replied, gesturing to the champagne flutes. Made was reluctant, but she picked up anyway.

Vi perked her eyebrow.
"Well, controlled drinking is fine." Made retorted.
Vi smiled. "Okay. But no for me." She said, raising her perfectly toned arms to the sky and stretching.

Made was reminded of a kitten, who wants were of cuddles.

"I need a mat Jo. Also where does the sun rise from here?" She asked.
Both got into a conversation and Made took a swig of the champagne.

Crisp and light. Perfect for her.

She finished and kept the flute back. B was standing near the reception, talking to the bellboy. Made went to her.
Bree finished her talk and turned to Made.

"You like this place?"

"Yeah, it's breathtaking." Made replied.

Bree smiled. "I designed the building. When I was 17."

Made was awestruck.
"It was just a hobby, how lines and curves came together, all in perfect symmetry or not. I'm an architect and love this place. It has a lot of memories associated with it." Bree said, smiling to herself.

Made hugged her and said "its so fucking pretty Bree. You will make my house now. I don't fucking care."

Bree nodded, laughing.

"What's with her and mats and sunlight?" Made questioned, looking at Vi and Jo.

"Oh, she is also an avid yoga enthusiast. She hits them angles." Bree winked, making Made blush.

Vi said thanks and ran to the both of them.

"Seems like I'll love my routine here." Vi said to Bree, glancing at the elevator.

"Yeah. The roof is pretty good for yoga though. Also, I'mma add some sick new additions to this building. It'll be so cool." Bree added.

"Why do you do yoga?" Made asked.
"Because it brings peace to me. And a bawd." She added, with a wink.

Made scoffed. "Whatever."

"Cel has an appointment with a partner. She'll soon join us" Vi said, getting into the elevator. Made got in, Bree behind.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Bree asked, staring at the glass ceiling.

"A dinner, some drinks and a party." Vi said, putting her hand on Made's shoulder.

Her heart started to pound, she started to examine her hand in the front mirror door. It was strong, yet perfect. The tattoos were everywhere.

"Okay boss. I'm tired. I need sleep. Tomorrow, we're going to the casino." Bree said, looking at her phone.

Made smiled. Maybe, she would enjoy after all.


Made entered her room, white sheets, Blue walls, all perfect. She plonked her bag and lied down on the bed. She was a little light headed due to the champagne. She was addicted to Vi's scent, a musk with a mix of vanilla. She got up, to see her standing in the doorway.

Made gasped, then shouted "You can't just scare me." She got up, opening the windows.

"I'm sorry. I needed my phone, it's in your bag." She said, her puppy eyes in a sad expression.
Made felt stupid for shouting at her.

Vi walked in and seated herself on the bed. She removed her jacket, and kept it in her lap. She so wanted to hold Made, kiss her, do things that would make her moan. Made fished out her phone and sat with her on the bed.

"So. What do these tattoos mean?" Made said, holding Vi's tattooed hand, and encircling the hummingbird on her hand.

"A hummingbird is a free will. Even though its small, it is strong. My mother loved hummingbirds." She said, her skin heating from Made's touch.

Made intertwined her fingers with Vi, and rested her head on her shoulder. It was strong, and deadly.

Vi smiled. "You need to sleep. I'll get you a dress for tonight. You will love it." Vi said.

Made smiled. "How do you know I'll like the dress?" She said, looking at Vi.

"Well, you don't have a dress to wear, and I'm pretty good at it. Cel loves my selection." Vi smirked, cocking her eyebrow.

"You sure have a lot of trust in yourself." Made said, getting up to get a chocolate from the hamper the hotel had.

Vi said nothing. She was lost for sometime.

Made was staring at her, the inked shoulder blades, the neck, the brown skin gleaming in the morning sun.

She was so freaking beautiful.

Vi came back and got up. She walked to Made, and said.

"Well, let's wing it anyway." She said, walking out the door.

Made smiled.
Well, I'll have to find out what she's hiding, behind that hard, sexy exterior.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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