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What were you thinking Victoria?
Me? A road trip Hah. More like bore trip.
God please help.
Made was lost in thought. Her green eyes were thoughtful. Vi felt her heart jump.
It wasn't the first time she felt this. Her looks, and "mystery"surrounding
Her silence had brought many women to make out with her. But Made was different. She was. Intriguing and Vi felt her breathing hitch ever time she looked at her.

"I don't know you well Vi. What if you try to kill me?" Made said stepping close to Vi, staring at her face.

"Yeah. I might"
"But I guess, I'm ready to take the gamble. So yes. Lets go."
She said, winking at Vi.
Made walked to her room.
She opened the door to see chase spraying yellow on the wall.

"I guess you love your job huh?"
Made said, sitting on the oak floor.
"Yes. I do. I don't work for money. I work for inner contentment. Money is important but happiness is more than what I need." He said while stepping back to view his work.

"You deep man."
"I'm an onion. I got layers." He smirked. Made laughed.

"You done bumpaclot?"
Vi said sitting next to Made.
"Yeah woman almost. Here you go."
Chase stepped back to reveal a big sun smiling at all of them. It had moustaches and there was a speech bubble saying wakey wakey in black and grey letter. The sky was black in the background with specks of stars and a galaxies spread around on all sides. It was beautiful.

" It's lovely Chase!" Made exclaimed hugging Chase.
"See I told you she will love it! Bitch." Chase murmured.

Vi smiled. "Good. Now I won't have to nail you up. Energy saved."
Chase laughed.
"I'll leave now. Kristen must be waiting for me. She's such a timed girl." Chase said, putting all the paint in his bag."
Vi got up. Made followed both of them to the front door.
"See you later Amiga. And please. Don't get her to run away just like that other bitch."
"Which bitch?" Made asked.
"Nothing man chill. He's just being a dick."
"I'm not. Bye." Chase said and started walking back to his bike.
Made closed the door.

"So. Where are we going?" Made inquired.
"Steady grasshopper. I'm not sure myself. Any ideas?"
"Las Vegas?"
"Hmm not bad for a person like you. LV it is then. Pack up. We're leaving tomorrow. Do you mind some friends? You know. Do you have any to tag along?" Vi asked.
Made thought."Lance?"
"Too Horny. Any girls. It's a all girls trip." Vi smiled.
Made was a hundred percent sure, if she smiled once more, she would go blind.

"I don't have much friends. Only bullies." Made smiled sadly.
Vi could feel her fist curl. Damn. Why was she so angry?
"Alright then. I'll call my girls and we all can go on a road trip together. Trust me, you will love these hoes."
"Referring to your friends as hoes is disrespectful." Made spoke in a fake serious tone.
"Yeah. Easy girl. I'll try controlling." Vi said with her hands raised.

She walked off to her room. Made walked into her room. She regretted unpacking. She pulled out her real parent's picture.

Made looked a lot like her mom. Green eyes and the hair. But her nose and other features had her father's hint.
A hand woke her up from her trance.
"Dude chill it's me." Vi spoke.
"Your real parents?"
"Hmmm" Made nodded.
"I'm sorr-"
"Don't. I hate sorry. You couldn't have saved them. Could you." Made deadpaned. Vi nodded.

"So do you have any memories of them. They a fine lot." Vi winked, making Made laugh.
"Yeah. This one picnic we went to central park. Dad would throw me high up in the air and catch me, mom's sandwiches. Some of my favorite memories." Made smiled.

Vi felt guilty. Why did she ask that?
"I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have asked that."
"It's ok. They are happy memories after all." Made reassured.

In the next moment, Made felt being pulled into a warm hug. Vi rested her chin on Made's head. Made hugged her back. She felt... different.

A bell pulled Vi away.
"It must be them!" Vi exclaimed. She ran to the door.
Made followed her. She felt happy. In a weird way.
At the door, Vi was being attacked, literally by two girls. Vi was laughing like a maniac.

"Stop tickling me! Stop it people!" she screamed.
"This is your punishment, why didn't you talk to us?" One of the girls spoke, still tickling her. The other turned to Made. She smiled, nervously.

They both got off the floor. One was tall as Vi. Her short Burnett hair came till her shoulders. She had no tattoos like Vi. Her tall cheekbones and jawline gave her the appearance of a model. Her pale skin and electric blue eyes were killer.
The other was shorter than Made, Curly hair with jet black eyes couldn't be missed. Her ebony skin was worth dying for.
"You must be Made." The Burnett spoke.
Made nodded. Both of them walked towards her.
"I'm Celsiya" she said opening her arms. Made hugged her. She seemed nice.

"God, stop flirting with her. I'm straight Brenda." The other spoke.
"I'm straight too B." Celsiya spoke. Brenda hugged her too.
"Hey! Why don't I get hugs?" Vi spoke getting off the floor.
"Because you a nasty ho." Brenda said with her Texan accent. Made laughed. Vi joined them.

"These are my friends." Vi smiled.
"So what's the plan? And why so suddenly?" Celsiya spoke, a arm on Made's shoulder.
"LV. In a car. Because Madame here wanted to do something" Vi pointed to Made.
"I did not! It's her idea." Made protested. Vi pouted.
Celsiya squealed. "Finally! A all girls roadtrip!" Brenda screamed too.
Made laughed. It was a great beginning. She hoped so.

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