part 6 ~ they're here

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    《What do you mean by you're in California??》my mom's sharp voice asked through the phone.

    《I'm here for, uh, work》I lied.

        After a full ten minutes of being lectured, I could finally hang up. I nervously walked up and down the stairs, worried. Matt had to have a work dinner with his manager's daughter. That sexy blondie.

        I sighed louldy, exhausted, and invented an excuse to text my crush.

To: Matt❤

Do you have eggs
For a cake

It's okay if you don't I'll just call Harry

I'm coming home, cupcake
Is the cake for me?

Obviously not ;)
Why you coming home so early?

I didn't feel like having breakfast
My manager said it's okay
I didn't even get off the car ❤

You're joking or..?

Not even
Open the door, liar :)


    《I'm not a liar..?》I raised my eyebrow, confused.

    《Really? You need eggs?》he smirked.

    《I do, for a fact, need eggs》

    《Come here, shorty》he threw me the sweetest smile ever, and opened his arms for me to fall in.

        I snuggled against his fine chest and sniffled him up a little, he chuckled. He copped his hands on my face, moving the hair away from my eyes. He deeply gazed into my eyes, my heart skipped a couple of beats.

    《Shorty, are we, uh, I mean, what's the deal with- I, uh-》he started as he slowly pulled away.

    《Um, what?》I shyly chuckled.

        He grabbed my hand and carried me on one of the armchairs of the living room. He then held my hands together and squeezed both.

    《What I'm trying to say is..》he inhaled and exhaled slowly.《Are we a, um, are we a couple?》

        I felt my cheeks burning up immediately, any sign of words died in my throat. My heart dropped completely, leaving me breathless.

    《I'm-, I-》I tried to say, but got lost into his brown-greenish eyes. He was impatiently waiting for me to assure him in some way.

        Having apparently lost the faculty of speech, I opted for something more meaningful. So I grabbed Matt's collar and slowly pulled him to me. His eyes travelled wildly on my face, trying to unpuzzle my thoughts.

        I placed my nose on his and gave him eskimo kisses, before slowly laying my lips on his.

    《Is that a yes?》he whispered against my lips.

    《Yes but- wait-》I carefully pulled him away.

    《What's wrong?》he frowned.

    《Nothing》I smiled sheepishly,《Some very strong feelings I need to stop before losing control》

    《You mean-》he smirked widely.

    《Stop》I demanded with pinkish cheeks.


        What Matt forgot to mention is that in a few hours, his sisters would've stopped by his house to say hi. He also didn't mention that they had to spend the following four nights at his place.

        When I received his text, I almost chocked on my coke and coughed. Emeraude and Harry stared at me confused, so I showed them Matt's chat.

    《That's not something you forget to mention! You boys are so brainless sometimes!》Emeraude gasped.

    《Not much will change, girls》Harry laughed,《Just smile and be nice and happy》

    《Don't Bob Marley me, Shum!》I frowned, he brusted into laughter instead. Thank you, my friend.

        All the way back home I couldn't stop thinking about what Matt's sister would've thought of me. They probably thought I was dating him for his fame and fortune. Or for being famous myself. Or maybe something worse.

    《Do you want us to come with you?》Harry sweetly asked as he stopped the car.

    《How sweet! You actually thought I'd let you leave me here like that??》I nervously giggled.

    《That's no big deal, I'll show you》

    《They are as sweet as Matt, no need to worry about that》Emeraude assured me.


        We knocked on the door and waited for Matt to let us in. A few moments later, we were inside. Matt's house felt like home to me at that point. It was so warm, loving, and welcoming.

    《Hey》Matt greeted us,《They're upstairs fixing their stuff and everything》

    《Daddario, if you didn't have your head stuck on your neck you'd lose it!》Emeraude attacked him in a whisper, Harry and I chuckled at her words.

    《Matt, can I please talk to you for a second?》I asked shyly.

    《Go, we'll make some pop corn!》Harry excitedly grinned.

    《Please leave the kitchen clean》Matt sighed.

    《Yes mama》our friend teased with a grin.

    《Is there something wrong, shorty?》Matt asked with the sweetest tone ever.

    《Apart from your sisters being here? No, nothing》I nervously giggled.

    《They will love you, I'm sure》his lips slowly curved up into a glimpse of smile as he leaned in.

        I stopped him, my hands on his chest. I pulled him away and looked around.

    《About that.. um, can we keep it private for a little while?》I said in a low sigh.

    《What- why? Does it make you uncomfortable?? Is it me?? Do I make you-》

    《Matt! I really love you. I just don't want them to freak out before the wedding. You know our friends》I calmly explained,《I mean, look at them》I pointed at Harry's and Emeraude's heads snooping from the kitchen's open door.

    《Okay but- can I kiss you when we're alone?》he frowned.

    《You can do whatever you want when we're alone》I smiled sheepishly, he smirked. I didn't mean it like that, but okay.


    《You guys good?》Harry raised an eyebrow at us as we entered the kitchen.

    《Yeah, it's all good》Matt smiled.

    《Matthew!》a female voice yelled from upstairs, my stomach shrink.《Do you have a soap that doesn't smell like men??!》

    《Why would I have that, Alex?! I'm not a girl! But I'm sending Olive up, she has one!》Matt yelled back.

    《What the hell are you doing Matthew I swear to god you will pay for this, what on earth-》I panicked.

    《I'll come with you, shorty, calm down》he laughed.

    《That's not even a little bit funny!》I sighed exhausted.

    《Did you just- did you just quoted Alec?》Harry chuckled.

    《Harry shut up》Emeraude rolled her eyes.

        Here we go. Meeting Matt's sisters.

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