27. Hurted

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All alone I was, standing like a statue, still not realising what just happened....
I kissed Thomas and I told him I loved him.. Was it all just a huge mistake?
Why did he leave me here? Do my words matter to him? Well, I know what I'm feeling and I know that I never felt this kind of feelings before. I never cared for someone so much, like I care about him.
Except my brother of course, but what was this reaction? Didn't he like me back? No, otherwise he wouldn't leave me here...without saying it back. He didn't say it back. Now I was certain. Thomas just thought I was pathetic, like always. He didn't care about me, he just didn't want to hurt my feelings... or did he? Well anyway he is gone now and I have to find him. I started to run in the same direction he went. I hearded shouting behind me, but I ignored it.... I had to find him! Suddenly a grey wolf stood in front of me, blocking the way. It was Jacob. I saw it. "Katherine, I looked for you everywhere! We have to get back...now!" I stared at him not realising a word he was saying... "Katherine, Thomas is hurt!  Our alpha! We've to get back to the Denn!" He pushed me softly back with his face. Slowly I came back to reality. "Wait, Thomas is hurt?!" I said looking at Jacob with fierce eyes. "Yes, he is! Everyone thinks that something happened to you too! C'mon we've to go back!" Before I even realised I ran back as fast as I could with Jacob by my side thinking that if something really bad happened to him...it was my fault!

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