14. A werewolf?!

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I walked back to the Denn with Thomas. We didn't say anything, we didn't have to. We didn't have to. I knew what he was thinking. He thinks I'm totally crazy and freaking out. And you know what?! He was totally right. I was freaking out! I didn't knew what to think annymore.
When we reached the Denn I saw Peeta back in his normal form. He had a black eye. I ran towards him. 'Peeta, are you okay?' I asked and I looked at him. 'Kath, do you really think that Gally can bring me down that easy?!' Peeta smiled
'Why did you do that Peeta?' I looked at him with full eyes. 'I...' he couldn't say it. Why doesn't he want to say it?
'It's time.' Thomas came closer, now in his normal form.
'Thomas what are you talking about?' I asked. 'There was a reason that Peeta didn't want you to face Gally.' He said. 'You would loose your mind, if he tried to hurt Peeta or mentioned your parents.' He continued.
'Why?' I asked. 'I don't understand.'
'You're a werewolf Katherine.' He didn't dare to look at me. No one really. Everyone looked at the ground.
'This can't be true!' I said almost shouting. Thomas looked at me: 'It is Katherine, your father was a werewolf..he tried to hide it for your own good.' 'How can this be good Thomas?!' I shouted.
'Katherine, he tried to protect you.' He said and looked away. 'I can't handle this right now.' I said and ran away, Peeta tried to came after me, but Thomas told him not to.
I ran and ran as fast as I could, but I wanted to go faster..faster and faster. This couldn't happen to me right now. I'm a normal girl with normal parents and a normal brother. This made me so bloody angry!! I couldn't control my own feelings and thoughts annymore. What is happening to me?!
I jumped over a fallen tree laying on the ground. But when I came down I felt way bigger and I wasn't running on two legs, but on four!! I totally panicked. What the hell is happening to me?! I fell on the ground in the grass. I didn't try to stand up. I didn't know how...I didn't know what to do annymore.

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