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I sat down in my seat, my feet slouching on the desk as people came tumbling in. I scoffed and glared at each and every-one of them, then Deku came in.

I scowled and when we made eye contact he quickly looked away. I heard everybody talking to him like he was the center of attention, he shouldn't be. I should be in his place right now, I should have the popularity he has. He hid his quirk from everyone all these years, nobody expected this from him.

He shows everyone how powerful he really is, how powerful he always had been, he was able to keep it a secret for 17 years. I sighed watching him smile, I hated Deku with every fiber in my body. I watched Deku get up and walk towards me.

He knelt down, eye level with me and looked right into my eyes.

"What did I do, that made you hate me? I want to fix our friendship Kacchan"

I laughed "Everybody in here is fucking stupid, I hate you, for you and you can't change that. You're only popular because of that quirk you hid from everybody up until now, you played me all along Deku."

I saw him clench his fists and sit in the desk behind me. The class was mumbling about what he asked me but before I could tell any of them to shut up Mr. Aizawa decided to walk in.

"Okay class we will be going outside to practice our agility"

The class cheered for the most part but everybody slowly died down when they heard Deku stifle a choked cry.

"Midoriya are you alright?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"Yea, yea I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa."

He nodded and listed who would be matched up today and to my luck, I was paired with Deku. I turned around and smiled deviously but he looked up at me with puffy red eyes.

"I didn't know you hated me that much Katsuki"

I turned around without another word and thought about what I said. I was sure I hated him but something struck me when he said that one line to me. Especially when he called me by my real name instead of the nickname 'Kacchan' he calls me.

I put on my gear and sighed angrily. It was time to put on a game face and kick his ass, set aside whatever I was feeling and battle.

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