Heya Lovelies! I don't really have time to make a reaaaallllyyyy long paragraph but I guess this will suffice XD
I wanted tto thank you for all the support I've been getting from this story! It really makes my day :) (I might even write a sequel who knows?) but anyways I wanted to show you my new fanficition!
Crowns of Love
I'm writing this with my best friend Jabari! I don't know why it wont let me copy and paste the description of the story on here but to sum it up its another tododeku haha XD Well I hope you can check this one out! It would really help us out! thank you! bye byeeeee :)
Dead Romance (Villain Deku AU) (TodoDeku)
RomanceWarning|Contains Gore and Abuse| Todoroki has found out Deku is a Villain, He is then sent on a mission to spy on Deku and pretend to be on his side with the League of Villains. While Todoroki is pretending to be on Deku's side, spending more and...