How you two met?

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Daryl: you are in a small group of people that includes your sister Lori, your nephew Carl and your brother in law Rick & his former partner and best friend Shane. You guys are heading from Atlanta, when you bump into Daryl and his brother Merle, its one of them days where you Shane and Rick have been killing the zombies to protect Lori and Carl, Why Lori can't help is because she is injured and Carl is to young still Rick and Lori thinks he could get hurt. You told them both when you find a place that is stable and safe you want to teach him self defense & they agree it's a good idea, Daryl is siting next to Carl taking to him when you walk up "Carl your mom wants you I think it's time for your lesson of the day" as he nods his head and tells Daryl he will see him later as he runs off to find Lori who isn't to far away, Daryl says "his mom still teaches him with all this going on? As you nod your head "yep she makes time he didn't finish when all this went down so she wants him to get in as much as possible, plus she used to be a school teacher so she knows how to do it right" as he nods his head "oh so before the whole zombie thing she was a teacher Rick was a cop and Shane too what about you? As you look at him "oh I was a college graduate I went for nursing what about you and your brother? As he smirks "my brother, his life back then was bad he was a criminal because he was a drug dealer and me I was trying to open my own garage and I was close but this shit happen" as you nod your head and you two walk back to the group.

Shane: you are Rick's oldest daughter, he had a one night stand back in high school with your mother and then got with Lori, when your mom died you went and lived with him her and your half brother Carl, now when this whole zombie thing happen you where away at college now you and your two best friends are on your way towards Atlanta to find your dad Rick stepmom Lori  and baby brother Carl, the three of you have made it to right outside of Atlanta when you bump into a group that includes the Dixon brothers Carol and her family, Andrea and her sister Amy then dale and Glenn and when they take you back to their camp you are reunited with your dad Rick stepmom Lori and brother Carl plus your dad's former partner at work and best friend Shane. Your dad runs up and hugs you tight, your best friends smile and Lori checks them out as you pick up Carl and hugs him tight your dad smiles "baby girl this is Shane we worked together back home plus he is my best friend" as you smirk at him "hey Shane it's nice to meet you finally, you knew my mom too didn't you? As he nods his head "yes I did she was a nice girl back in school had a heart of gold" as you smile at him Shane smirks at you looking you up and down taking you all in and he likes what he sees. 

The Walking Dead - Daryl, Shane And Rick, Abe PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now