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3rd persons POV:
Park Jimin: Omega
The Crescent Moon pack, a nice pack located in the city of Busan South Korea. Jimin omega and youngest son of the Park family. His father is the lead Alpha. Everyone has respect and admiration for their leader including Jimin. His father was a kind hearted man when it came to his family and pack, however he could be heartless when it came to enemies who tried to harm what's his. His mother Ms. Park was a beautiful and kind omega. She was always smiling and was a mother figure to all. Everyone from the pack always told Jimin he got his beauty and character from his mom, however his hazel eyes where from his dad. He always felt proud when people told him he looked like his parents. He had an older brother, Min Yoongi. His brother being an alpha and older was very protective of him always and Jimin knew he would be a great leader when the time came. However everything is not perfect, they had an uncle who was banned from the pack by their grandfather. Their uncle being their dad's twin brother thought he would be the next lead alpha in line , however their grandpa choose their dad. Their uncle being really mad about the situation tried killing his own brother. That day their grandpa found out and banned him from the pack making him a rogue. No one had heard from him ever since until Yoongi's 23 birthday the day he found his mate meaning he could finally become the new Alpha. The pack did a gigantic celebration happy they got a great new leader. However what Jimin thought would be one of the most happy memories he would share with his dear brother and pack became a nightmare. Everything was fine his parents where talking with fellow pack members, Yoongi and his mate Taehyung where dancing and smiling while sharing sweet nothings with each other. Jimin was playing with the pups. Everyone was having fun. Everything happened so quick yet Jimin felt like the world stopped spinning and everything was in slow motion. He saw how his uncle, his own blood, stabbed his father with a knife right in the heart. It didn't help that it had wolfsbane which killed him instantly falling into his mates arm. Jimin saw how rogues started appearing from left and right. He saw his pack members fighting and dying. In just seconds everything became so chaotic. After seeing his father die he doesn't remember much from that night. He just remembers shifting into his wolf and fighting. Blood so much blood everywhere. When he got back to reality he was injured on his left leg and shoulder. He was loosing blood however he kept running, running just like Yoongi told him. Without looking back. Tears blurred his vision and he was running out of breath. His legs very tired and begging for him to stop. But he didn't he kept on running and running until he was far very, very far. He cross many territories he knows, but at the time he does not care anymore. He was crossing one, just on the edge of passing out from so much running. However when he was about to leave a wolf tackle him to the ground growling. He whimpered from fear and the new wolf shifted into his human form. The now man was tall and well built, he had black hair and dark eyes. A long face and full lips. He was quite handsome yet intimidating you could easily tell he was an Alpha. "Shift" He said in his alpha voice affirming Jimin of his status. Jimin let another weak whimper however did as he was told. "Who are you and what are you doing in this territory?" He asked, Jimin swallowed and he wanted to tell this stranger everything and beg for his life however he didn't have any energy. He only managed a soft "help" when dark spots began clouding his vision until everything was completely dark.

Jeon Jungkook: Alpha

The Golden Moon pack, strongest pack in the whole world. Exciting in the forests of Soul, South Korea. There where many rumors regarding this pack. It was said that it should be call Dark Moon instead because of the cruelties and deaths the pack had. It was said, it was ruled by a young, yet powerful and dark man. The reality was that Jungkook, the soon to be Alpha leader was excellent at everything and he would protect his pack from anything and anyone, took whatever it took, just like his father taught him. Even if it meant killing someone. With 21 years of age he was next in line to become the new leader he just needed his mate. He had an older brother, however he was an omega so he could not take the tittle. His brother was named Seokjin or Jin for short. He was a beautiful and elegant men, he cared and loved his brother to death and was happy that Jungkook would be the new leader. He found his mate when he was 19 and they have being happily together since. His mate Kim Namjoon was an intelligent and strong Alpha who was 2nd in command and Jungkooks right hand. Namjoon being part of the pack and one of Jungkooks best friend made everything easier for Jungkook and made him not have to worry about his beloved brother. They were all close and happy and Jungkook wished he would be just as happy as Namjoon and Jin are. The couple is expecting a pup already. His brother is 4 month pregnant and a very demanding omega. Everyone is really happy and can't wait to meet the little pup.
Jungkook's third in command is his other close friend Jung Hoseok. A cheerful and nice men who was literally a sunshine making everyone smile wherever he went. However if it came to pack issues he was ready to fight and kill. He could be a very scary person.
Jungkook was happy with his life. He had two loving parents, Great friends, an amazing older brother and the strongest and best pack. However a piece of him was missing. His mate, that person who will make him feel complete. That person he can share all his secrets and cuddle with after a stressful day. He doesn't want a mate just to become the new leader. He wants a mate because he wants someone to share how each other's  day went, to go on dates with, to come back to them once work is over, to kiss and touch in ways he can't touch anyone else, to cuddle someone who would make him fill complete and have late night talks about their future. Someone to create a new life and a loving family. He would be laying if he said he wasn't a bit jealous of his big brother for finding his mate so soon. He could see the love and happiness in their eyes. He wanted that and even thought he carried a smiled around sometimes he felt like crying because he just wants to hug his mate to to know how their scent smells like.
He was at his office the day it happened. He was doing the necessary paperwork since his father was out of town with his mom for their anniversary so he has promised to take care of everything. Hoseok mind linked him that there was an intruder. He got alarmed and was  ready to fight whoever dare to enter his territory. However Hoseok came quickly with a petite boy in his arms. Blood was everywhere and Hoseok seemed panicked. "We need to help him, I doubt his a threat. He was asking for help. I think his running away from something.... or .. someone..." said Hoseok through mind link. Once he reached  where I was standing I could see and smell the boy clearly. That's when I felt it. A shock of electricity running all over my body. My eyes turned red and the smell coming from the unconscious boy was intoxicating and so so delicious. He smelt like coconut and vanilla."Mate" ....

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