Chapter 1✨

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Jungkook's POV:
I was getting inpatient, what was taken them so long? I pace back and forward behind the door where my mate was being taken care of by the doctors. A few hours earlier I had found my mate, however it was so not how I always thought it would be. I thought it was going to be very cheese and romantic like I was walking through the forest and came upon a small clearance and there he was all beautiful, with a flower crown on his head and a smile on his lips. I never ever expected to find my mate in Hobi's hand and badly injured. "Kookie clam down he's going to be fine" said Jin Hyung grabbing my shoulders making me stop my movement. "Calm down... you , you want me to CALM DOWN for the moon goddess Jin. That's my mate in there who have I never seen before. I have been looking for that person inside all of my life and now I can loose him before I can even know his name. So no I can not calm down" I said with tears in my eyes that I tried so hard to hold in, yet, they were rapidly running down my face. Jin gave me a soft smile and hugged me tight. "I know but you gotta be strong, you gotta believe that he's going to get better because I'm sure he wants to meet you just as much as you want to meet him." Said Jin in a soft voice. Namjoon came and stood next to Jin putting a hand on his waist and another one on my shoulder. "It's going to be alright Jungkook I'm sure he will be fine ok" he said and I nodded. The door leading to where my mate was opened revealing the doctor who came with a bright smile. "There's nothing to worry about Alpha, he's fine. He has a broken leg and a big claw mark on his shoulder, he must have passed out due to blood lost and exhaustion but he's recovering fast. He should be awake in a few minutes or so" said the doctor and I let out a sigh I don't know I was holding. I felt my tense body relax and I thank the doctor. "Can I... can I see him?" I asked in a quite voice. The doctor gave me a kind smile and nodded. "Of course alpha. I'm sure you have been on edge and I'm sure is going to do him and his wolf good to be close to their mate" said the doctor and I thank her going inside immediately.

I saw him there laying on the hospital bed. He was a little bit pale however he still looked breathtaking. I moved closer and hold his hand making sparkles of electricity to run all over my body. I smile at the warm feeling in my chest and put his small hand close to my lips leaving a kiss in it. With my free hand I caress his cheek "you have to wake up love. I don't know what happened to you but I promise I'll help you get better. I would kill the bastards who did this to you and I'll take care of you always." As I was admiring my mate I couldn't help but wonder what color would his eyes be or how soft his lips must feel.
After about half an hour he finally woke up. He furrowed his eyebrows and opened his eyes. They were a hazelnut with a little bit of green color which reminds you of autumn my favorite season of the year. They were simply beautiful. He looked everywhere until his eyes met mine and he sat up. "Hey.. easy yeah your injured" I said in a soft voice stepping closer to him. "Where Im I?" He asked with a rough voice and I handle him a glass full of water. Once he took it our hands touch making sparks to flight and making a small gasp leave his lips. He drink the water and turned his eyes to me. "You are... my" "mate" we both finished the sentence in unison and I nodded my head with a small smile. He gave me a small smile and his eyes filled with tears. One by one they started to cascade down his now rosy cheeks. "Hey it's alright. I'm here ok your fine" I said hugging him tight. He put his small arms around my neck and fisted my shirt with his adorable little hands. He cried harder and I let him, I knew that with the condition he arrived something bad happen. I rub small circles in his back trying to calm myself down and not shift and kill whoever was causing pain to the most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes on. Once he calmed down he looses his grip and moved back a little. "Im Sorry" he said and I shook my head "it's alright." I Said whipping away his tears and putting a strand of hair away from his eyes. "Im Jungkook" I said and he smiled "Jimin" he said and I smiled wide. "Jimin... is perfect" I said making him blush and hide his face on my neck. I let out a quite laugh and hugged him close to my body.

After a while I let go of his body a little so I could see his flawless face. "Jiminie... I need you to tell me what happened to you" i said softly and he nodded. He took a deep breath and started. "Two days ago my pack was having a celebration. My big brother was becoming our next Alpha since he had found his mate. Everything was fine and we where enjoying the party. However we led our guard down and roughs appear from everywhere. My uncle he... he's a bad man. He wanted to be the alpha of our pack but my grandfather choose my dad and banned my uncle from our pack because he tried killing my dad. We didn't hear from him ever since but he came back. He was the leader of the rogues and he himself killed my dad right in front of me. There was so so much blood. I tried to fight but I got injured and my brother made me run and find help. I run all this time without stoping and the last thing I remember is that wolf and asking for help" when he finished his story tears where running down his face like waterfalls and the sight alone broke my heart. I'm sure that by now my eyes were pitch black so I shake my head a little so I wouldn't scare him. "You were so brave" I said whipping his tears away. However he shook his head "no I just ran. Now I don't know what happened to the rest of my pack... to my family." He said and it was my turn to shake my head. "No no you were so so brave Jiminie... you kept on running and never gave up until you did find help. You ran for two days straight without stopping. I mean who does that... that's incredible. And I promise you that we will go back and save your pack ok." I Said and he nodded. "Thank you" He said softly " remember this Jimin, from now on we are a team and I promise I'll make you happy"

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