Chapter 11✨

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Author's POV:

The following two months felt like a blur. Jimin's old pack, The Crescent Moon pack finally settle down in their territory again. This time without fear of someone doing such monstrosity again. The golden moon pack helped a lot and after two month everyone could go back to their regular everyday life. 

A few days after the war was over Jin gave birth to beautiful and healthy baby girl named Ari. She instantly took over everyones heart specially Namjoon's, everyone could see how much he was gonna care, protect and spoil her. To this day Jin and Jungkook teases his alpha for crying so much once he had the pup in his arms and Namjoon only tells Jungkook to wait till Jimin gives birth that there are gonna be two crying alphas in the pack. 

Jungkook's parent decided to put their traveling on hold so they could help Jin and later on Jimin with their pups as they were new parents. The old couple would not miss for an instant seeing their grandkids grow. 

As for Jimin's mother she went back with Young but still visits Jimin very often making sure he has anything he needs.

And of course Jimin does, Jungkook hasn't stoped spoiling her even more since he found out the omega was pregnant. He was such a good and understanding alpha always making sure Jimin was safe and comfortable. 

 At four months the couple found out they were having a boy and Jungkook was so excited he decided to start. decorating the nursery right away. As the months went one, Jimin's belly became bigger and bigger and Jungkook was loving it. He loved coming home after a long day of tending to the pack to Jimin's delicious food and very much pregnant belly. The alpha enjoyed laying in the bath surrounded by bubbles and with his omega sited between his legs and his hands rubbing his presents mate belly and kissing his neck. Afterwards they would lay in bed Jimin with his back against very fluffy pillows and with Jungkook rubbing and kissing his stomach, talking to their unborn pup. 

The first time the baby kicked was on a mid summer evening, the couple where walking through the forest so Jimin could get some pure fresh air. They were walking, talking about their day. Jimin was just telling Jungkook how Rose brought them a cute onesie for their pup when he stopped and stayed completely still. "Baby whats wrong? Are you tired? If your tire Jimin you need to tell me you know you need to rest and..." Jimin placed the alphas hand on his stomach and that shut Jungkook up instantly. The alpha smiled widely and got on his knees to talk to their pup and feel his kicks. "Hiii my pup, its your daddy" said Jungkook with teary eyes. 

After the beautiful moment Jungkook raise back up and kissed the omega. "Thank you for coming to my life and filling it with so much color and brightness. Thank you for filling it with you and for giving me a pup, a family"...

Jimin's water broke one morning, he was making breakfast and the alpha came hugging him from behind, placing a soft kiss on his cheek and saying a sleepy good morning followed by hiding his face on the omegas neck scenting him. Everything was cute and soft until Jimin felt a wetness run down her legs, looking down he knew instantly what it was. "Jungkook" "mhmm" Jungkook hummed back "my water just broke" said Jimin calmly. The alpha took a step back and noticing the wet puddle on the floor made him want to fain because although he has tried to be prepared for this moment, living it in flesh and bones was something a whole lot different. "Ok is ok just breath 1,2,3" "Jungkookie, I'm fine" said Jimin calmly once again "I know baby I was talking to myself" said the alpha making Jimin laugh. Jungkook helped Jimin get dressed as he was starting to have contractions and afterwards he got dressed quickly then ever before, then he gather all the baby stuff they had prepared and went to the packs healer.

The labor was 4 long hours Jungkook was there holding his mate's hand and whispering encouraging words all throughout. Jin, Namjoon, Rose, Jungkook's parents and Jimin's mom who had been staying with them since Jimin was seven moths pregnant were all waiting outside anxiously while Hoseok left quickly to deliver the news to Yoongi and Taehyung.

Once the baby was born the couple cried like babies both overwhelmed with happiness. They finally had their pup with them, their little Jeonmin. 

And of course Jungkook did get teased a lot for crying specially from Namjoon... Oh how the tables have turn.

Both packs lived in harmony, growing more and more each day. Yoongi and Taehyung had 4 pups  , a boy named Yoonhyung (Alpha), a girl named Yoonhee (Alpha) and two twin boys Taemin and Taesoo (both omega) . Rose and Hoseok had 1girl named Jisoo (Omega) and two twin girls Jennie and Lisa (both alphas). Jin and and Namjoon after Ari (alpha) the couple had five more pups, three girls and two boys, Amy (omega), Allie (omega), Alice (alpha) , Namhyuk (omega) and Jichul (alpha). As for Jimin and Jungkook after Jeonmin (Alpha) they had two more pups Jaegguk (omega, boy) and Jihye (alpha, girl) 

Jeonmin (older)

Jaegguk (middle)

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Jaegguk (middle)

Jihye (younger) 

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Jihye (younger) 

(Side note Jaegguk was born when Jeonmin was 5, and Jihye was born when Jeonmin was 11 and Jaegguk was 6) 

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(Side note Jaegguk was born when Jeonmin was 5, and Jihye was born when Jeonmin was 11 and Jaegguk was 6) 

Jungkook sits with Jimin between his legs, hands intertwined on the omegas lap, back resting on a tree. Both sat comfortably on a blanket food surrounding them. Their pups blowing bubble and running happily playing together as the couple smiled continently at the little get away letting them time to enjoying of the company of their pups. "Hey Jimin" said Jungkook resting his chin on the omegas shoulder. "Yeah?" asked Jimin keeping his eyes on the pups. "I love you" Jimin smiled and kissed the alpha on the cheek. "I love you more alpha"

The End 

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