Chapter Fifteen

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(Liam’s P.O.V.)

In hindsight, that was very dumb. I had no idea what had gotten into me; I was supposed to be the level headed one. But seeing the men that were keeping Spencer away from me and hurting her made something inside me snap.

And shooting them felt so good.

But now I was being held at gunpoint with my best friend by Donny Rose.

Fucking great.

“Well, well…looks like our little Liam has lost his temper,” Donny said, his voice oozing with excitement. He licked his lips quickly and his eyes flickered between Harry and I. Then he pressed the gun to my forehead.

“How does that feel, Liam? Not so good, does it? What if I pulled this trigger? You did. Remember that? Of course you do, it was only a few seconds ago,” Donny breathed, his forehead dripping in sweat.

He took the gun off my forehead and I breathed a sigh of relief, but he turned around and shot me in the shoulder. I screamed in pain as the bullet entered my body, snapping a bone. The worst pain I had ever felt coursed through my body and I doubled over and held my shoulder while my shirt and fingers started to drip with my own blood. Donny was laughing hysterically in front of me.

A knife flew from somewhere behind me and lodged in Donny’s cheek. He drew a short breath and started swearing, then shouting in a language I didn’t understand. I was grabbed and I started running behind Allie, Louis, and Niall.

“Liam, are you okay?” Niall asked when he saw my shoulder. I grinded my teeth together in pain, trying to keep my mind straight. I could see spots and I felt dizzy. I thought I might vomit.

“I’m fine, where’s Spencer?” I asked.

“She’s with the others. What held you up?” Allie asked. Harry’s eyes flitted over to me.

“Donny was onto our trick,” Harry said. I made eye contact with Harry and silently thanked him.

“Well Donny was a smart one,” Allie breathed. I wondered about Donny as we ran through the winding corridors. Up ahead I saw four figures, two girls and two boys. One of the two girls was extremely weak and kept falling over, grabbing onto the other girl for support.

That was Spencer.

I picked up the pace with my shot shoulder and ran at her. I was gaining on them easily; they couldn’t go fast with Spencer. I reached them and I stopped, not wanting to overwhelm her in her condition. “Spence?” I croaked. She turned around. She stared at me for a moment, then she flung herself at me, kissing me full on the lips.

“Guys, this is sweet and all, but we’re trying to make an escape,” Niall mumbled. We stopped and glared at him.

“Come on, Liam,” she said sounding weak. I followed her and the rest of the group. “Thank you for coming back for me.”

“I’m not losing you again,” I said firmly. She looked at me in surprise and I think she understood what I was talking about. She nodded with a tiny smile. The cut on her face was now a nasty shade of green and was obviously not healing well.

But she had never been so beautiful to me.

(Caroline’s P.O.V.)

Once we were out we jumped into the van and drove like hell. Spencer was crying her eyes out in the back, so all the girls huddled around her while she laid in Liam’s arms.

“Guys, we have to go to a hospital,” I said, inspecting Spencer’s cut.

Allie shook her head. “No way we’re going to a hospital in India. We need to head back to head quarters and get her fixed up – ”

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