First day of school

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I was currently humming my favorite song as I was getting ready for my first day at my new school I was transferring to, my mother remarried which made us have to move into his home. Unfortunately for me though I had to leave my school and my two best friends behind but before I left them I had to tell a bit of a white lie to make them think I was still cool to be there friends.


"What?! You dumped him? But didn't you say you two did it over summer break?!"

"What can I say, it was the summer of love but unfortunately he got boring pretty quickly but don't you guys worry about a thing I'm sure I'll get a boyfriend pretty quickly once I get to my new school!"

"It sucks that your so far away now yuzu, otherwise I would have invited you to my fathers mixer."

"It's fine, again I'm almost positive that I will get a boyfriend on my first day at my new school!"

Of course that was a lie, I have never dated in my life I just haven't found the right guy yet.

End of flashback

As I looked in my body mirror I couldn't help but grin at my reflection as I looked into my light green eyes before talking to myself.

Changing is fun in a nice big room!

I tell myself as I began to apply my makeup on steadily just to make sure I get my makeup on point, after all it is my first day at my new school so I have to look my best! But as I look in the mirror at my school uniform I shook my head in disapproval before walking towards my closet and pulling out a half sleeve pink button up shirt and a red hanging bow tie before I adjusted the skirt length making it at least thigh length before starting on my medium length blond hair. Taking out my curling iron after I put it in a half sideways ponytail I began to curl the rest of my hair to make it look less flat making me nod my head in approval before tying my tan jacket around my waist completing my outfit perfectly.

 Taking out my curling iron after I put it in a half sideways ponytail I began to curl the rest of my hair to make it look less flat making me nod my head in approval before tying my tan jacket around my waist completing my outfit perfectly

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I grab my school book as I began flipping threw the pages before groaning.

I haven't learned any of this stuff yet.

Besides, a high school girl only needs courses on fashion and friends! I tell myself happily before heading out to my new school.

During the summer of my freshman year of high school, my mama suddenly found a new papa, it meant that I would be moving to a new town and attending a new high school.
As I began to play with my hair I couldn't help but think to myself as I looked at the guy walking in front of me. I gotta show off on my first day, and find some awesome new people!
Although no matter how much I pump myself up this is just an all girls school. Tears threatened to spill as I looked up at the sky in sadness while I thought to myself, my best years are over.

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