Chapter 22

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I burst into my grandfathers home looking panicked as I smelled a strong scent of blood. Rushing into the living room I see my grandfather hunched over in his large chair making me grow pale as I nervously walk towards him. Lifting him upright I block out everything hoping to hear a heartbeat and when I do relief overflows me.

He was alive. Barley. But alive.

I needed to bring the original Yuzu back before she actually kills someone. But how? If she's targeting both her family and friends anybody could be next...


I knew that dark Yuzu wouldn't keep mei off my back forever so I needed to come up with a plan. There's no doubt in my mind that I like matsuri. Love? Now that's a different story. However her telling me how she wanted to bring peace amongst both our kind made me accept her offer. All my life I had been alone. I mean I was the only hybrid on this planet because my mother fell in love with my father who was a wolf. He was neither beta nor alpha but an omega. He was outcasted by his own pack do to being useless and weak. When my mom found him she told me she fell in love with his true form instantly. She accepted him into her home and because of that both of them where banished. They where forced to live away from their friends and family just because they loved each other. Since I was both vampire and wolf Mei's grandfather sensed a strong power inside of me and allowed me to join their pack. However because of this I was sent away from my mother and father to live with my grandmother. I didn't want to leave them but mother had told me that I would learn nothing about myself if I didn't go.

And so here I am, trying hard to bring both wolf and vamps together as one in hopes that I could be with my family again.

I feel so isolated and alone here at this school that when I met Yuzu I was reviled. However I could sense something was off about her. She wasn't fully human, and when I discovered her other half I grew excited. I mean she was just like me. She didn't just have one sole but two. I am unsure on how she's both human and vampire since usually when you get turned by a vampire your just that. But when I met matsuri I immediately assumed she turned her. And she was the one who explained to me about her father and mother. Apparently her father was killed by none other then a pack of wolves. He wanted peace just like I did, so when he met up with the alpha to talk about peace he was ambushed and killed.

It's because of both parties that I am unable to see my mother and father. I was even informed by a letter from my father that I'm actually a big sister now.

I wanted to meet him.

And yet... I still haven't been able to obtain peace with both sides. But maybe with matsuri on my side I will finally be able to do just that.

"So. You have a little brother now? How sweet. He looks so sweet I could just eat him up."

"YUZU?! Geez you scared me. Don't just sneak up on me like that ok? Anyway why are you here? What do you want?"

"Are you really asking me that right now? You know fully well what I'm doing here."

In a blink of an eye she slammed me up against the nearest wall making me narrow my eyes at her as her index finger traced slowly up my neck.

"So. You and matsuri Huh? And here I thought you didn't like matsuri. You always said she was a bad influence."

"I didn't say that!"

"But you implied it. Even though I only thought of matsuri as a little sister you just had to steal her away from me didn't you?"

"I- I'm sorry I just, listen I really like matsuri and we both want the same thing."

"And what's that?"

"Peace!" Her grip around my neck tightened making it hard for me to breath as I struggled against her.

"Stupid girl. Peace will never be a reality. Now be a dear and give into your vampire side. This side of you is just to pathetic and weak."

Anger flashed through me as I kicked Yuzu across the room making her slam right into the wall. All these years I have worked hard at keeping both halfs of myself happy so something like this wouldn't happen.

"I am not weak! And I will obtain peace between both of our kinds!"

"Hehe. And here I thought we could be friends. I know Yuzu would have loved that. But hearing you talk big about peace really pisses me off!"

She lunged at me full speed with a shard of wood in her hand only to be stopped by matsuri crashing into her.

"Heh. I was wondering when you where going to come out. Tell me matsuri. Is peace really what your after? Surly not. I mean the wolves are the reason your parents work so much. Think about it. With the wolves out of the way your parents won't have to work so hard anymore. They can finally see how much good your doing."

"Sure. Killing them would be easier and a faster way of doing things but I wanted to try something other then starting yet another war. Stop this now. You won't win. Bring back the other Yuzu before it's to late."


In a blink of an eye Yuzu was gone. In a way I felt relieved. I didn't want to fight my best friend...

"Can we help her?" I ask matsuri worriedly as she checked over me.

"The only person who can help her now is Mei. And if she can't break Yuzu from her chains, then we may never obtain peace."

So, my fate as we know it rests in Mei's hands? Great just great.

"Please Mei. Help Yuzu and Don't screw this up."

Authors note

Another day another chapter. Just a peak in Harumi s life, hope you enjoyed the chapter 😉

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