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Finally! I'm back in school.
Matsuri let me go home the other night but Mei nor my mom wasn't there, but that's ok I'm sure I'll see my mom tonight and Mei somewhere at school.


My thoughts where interrupted by a familiar voice making me turn around only to have Harumin wrap her arms around me startling me a bit.

"I'm sorry I gave you blood! I should have never of gave you it but you seemed so sick, I thought it would make you feel better since I thought you where growing into you're fangs but then you disappeared! You're mother told me you where with your future bride Matsuri? Did she treat you ok? I have heard of her and her family before."

"Please tell me she didn't hurt you!"

"I-It's ok Harumin, and as for Matsuri all she did was help me control my blood lust and kiss me but that's about it." I watch in surprise as Harumin fell on her hands and knees dramatically before sighing heavily.

"My Yuzucchi's no longer pure."

"Huh? Is it honestly that big of a deal that Matsuri kissed me? I mean she is my future wife after all

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"Huh? Is it honestly that big of a deal that Matsuri kissed me? I mean she is my future wife after all."

"Honestly Yuzu, I have heard about Matsuri's family and their not good people. You're just too nice for her is all."

I was about to defend Matsuri until I heard gasps and whispers all around me making me a bit curious as Harumin and I walked around the corner only to see none other then Matsuri herself.

"Their you are, I finally found you! I have been looking for you Yuzu-Chan."

"What are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be in school?!"

"I wanted to see you again, so I came to you're school to ask you if you would like to go on another date with me today? Just the two of us."

I looked around at all the students staring at me nervously as I spoke fairly quickly.

"F-Fine! Fine! Just hurry back to you're own school!"

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"F-Fine! Fine! Just hurry back to you're own school!"


"You there."

Shit! I think to myself nervously as I look towards Mei who had a pretty pissed off look on her face making me even more nervous then I was before.

"Who gave you permission to enter this academy?!"

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"Who gave you permission to enter this academy?!"

She doesn't just look angry, she sounds angry as well.


"Oh? You're yuzu-Chan's new little stepsister right? Nice to meet you, Mei-Chan."

"S-Sorry Mei! I'll take her outside right away!"

"But we haven't discussed on where to go on our date yet!"

"We can discuss that later, but you really need to quit bothering everyone and go."


Fear struck me as I jumped before speaking.


"I have warned you repeatedly. But not stopping on the way home is against the rules, you know you can't go anywhere in you're school uniform."

"I know, I'll go home and change clothes first!"




Honestly was my future bride afraid of this pathetic werewolf girl? Anyway I thought it would be fun to surprise Yuzu at her school and maybe ask her out just to tease this Mei girl a bit like I did just the other night but honestly, this wasn't as entertaining as I thought it would be.

Sighing heavily I put on my headphones to block there boring conversation only to have them removed from my ears which pissed me off even more.

Nobody was allowed to touch my headphone.

"You are currently trespassing on private property

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"You are currently trespassing on private property. If you have business here get permission first."

I yank my headphones back only to turn around to send her a harsh glare.

"Come on, let's go Matsuri!"

I obeyed Yuzu's order before I decided to kill this Mei girl. I couldn't help but feel angry as Yuzu waves goodby at me while I waved back.

As soon as she left I kicked the read standing up stop sign just to let my anger out. A student council president bound by the rules... is far to empty and boring. Having someone like that around will ruin my Yuzu-Chan.

I think it's about time I end the Aihara family line.

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