Chapter 21

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The next day I couldn't find Yuzu anywhere. I blame myself for what happened with her. The mark she left me is thankfully gone but it still throbs in pain every time I think of her.

Where is she? Is she safe? Is she At matsuri's place?

""Harumi. Have you seen Yuzu? Is she staying at your house?" I usually never just approach someone but I'm worried.

Harumi looked worried then conflicted all at once as she shuffled uneasily.

"Is she not at your house?"

"No she isn't. She's not at the school either."

"I see. Yes I seen her yesterday. But she ran off when she seen me mating with matsuri."

I narrowed my eyes at Harumi making her shuffle nervously as anger begin boiling up inside me.

"You and matsuri ma-" my words where cut off by a loud scream coming from the school grounds making me rush towards that desperate cry for help.

There standing by the lunchroom doors was Yuzu, however in Yuzu's arms was a struggling student trying desperately to break free of her grasp. Her fangs where sank deeply into her neck. You could tell that the girl she held was loosing strength and consciousness.

"YUZU!" She didn't stop. Grabbing onto her shoulder I tear her away from the weak girl only to be met with bloodthirsty red eyes taking me aback as she glared at me.

"Why if it isn't the perfect Mei. But your far from perfect, aren't you."

She was mocking me. Yuzu never mocked me. This wasn't Yuzu.

"What have you done with Yuzu? Who are you?" She smirked as her blood red eyes flashed green looking all innocent as she spoke.

"I am Yuzu."

"No. No your not! Yuzu wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose let alone kill! Plus your vibe rubs me the wrong way. Your not Yuzu."

"Sigh. Wolves and there stupid intuition. Why couldn't you guys stay extinct? Although your blood does taste good...."

"Where is YUZU?!"

"Chill. No need to shout. And I wasn't lying when I said that I am Yuzu. More specifically I am what you would call her vampire side that she desperately tries to keep locked hidden away from the world. You see when Yuzu is feeling hurt and insecure I come out to play. What ever Yuzu is scared of I help her get rid of it. And right now she's afraid of you."

She lunged at me bearing her fangs making me quickly dodge out of the way.

"Yuzu's afraid of me?"

"Tsk. Damn wolves and there speed. More like she's afraid of loosing you. She doesn't want to hurt you. But to me you and her friends are nothing but a nuisance. Yuzu still has feelings for everyone in her life and it is my job to exterminate them."

"But why? If your eliminate everyone in her life then Yuzu would be upset with herself to the point of..."

"Exactly. Life for me would be so much easier if she could just stay locked away and leave me in control. She has kept me away for far to long. I'm hungry. Now I wonder, who's fault was that again? Oh yeah!"

She was gone in a blink of an eye making me struggle as to try and figure out what exactly was going on. She was Yuzu but a different side of Yuzu, she was a more evil side. Her vampire side. Since Yuzu is still a bit human she was able to lock that side of her away. And because of me she let her out to play leaving her locked away.

"Sigh. How am I supposed to get Yuzu back now? If we don't settle this half the town could end up dead in just a few short weeks.

"I have a thought."

I jumped a bit as Harumi appeared next to me. Was she here the entire time?

"The bad Yuzu is trying to get rid of her feelings so that she can stay in control right?"

"Feelings? You mean us and her family correct?"

"Let me put this into more simple words. When I mean feelings I mean Yuzu's strong feelings within her human side. For instance me being her best friend and all brings out the happy side of Yuzu which would also include her mom and even Matsuri."

"And what about me? Aren't I Yuzu's friend to?"

"Eh. Your more like her love emotion. You bring out her love which is the strongest emotion of all. Love shines brighter then dark which in turn keeps her dark side away. But because of me and you Yuzu couldn't handle being herself anymore hence the dark Yuzu."

"Dark Yuzu? Wait what did you do to upset her?" My defense mode immediately turned on which is when I remembered.

"That's right. You mated with matsuri! Your a wolf Harumi! Not only that but you knew both Yuzu and matsuri where..."

"I know alright! And I'm not just a wolf you know! That's only half of who I am! Anyway shouldn't you be more worried about your grandfather and less about me? I mean he is the one who forbid Yuzu to drink blood."

My face grew pale as I took off into the direction of my grandfathers home. Yuzu wouldn't kill him. But this isn't Yuzu where dealing with.

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