Away From The Crowd

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This chapter involves some personal stuff about health issues so if you are sensitive to that stuff please know I didn't mean to trigger anyone. I have been dealing with the stuff in this chapter too and I thought it would be the right thing to put it in since so many people struggle with it.

Felix takes my hand and we walk out of the theme park. He calls a taxi and I have no clue where we are going. This doesn't seem real. Am I really sitting next to him?

I think about how I should act around him. I certainly can't act like those crazy saesangs and try to molest him or whatever. And I can't ask him tons of questions like some obsessed fan. I need to play this cool.

As we sit in the car, I notice our hands are still clasped. I look at him and wonder why he hasn't let go. He notices me staring and I quickly look away. Out of the corner of my eye I see a little grin appear. He squeezes my hand, or maybe I imagined it. I really can't focus on anything with this buzzing sound in my head. It's because he's right next to me. But the buzzing gets louder. My vision starts to fade away. I loosen my grip on his hand as I fall against the window knocked out.

Felix's POV
Y/N loosens her grip on my hand but I think she's just a bit uncomfortable. I guess it would be strange to be spending time alone in a foreign country and suddenly be together with an idol. Wait. I hear a sudden thump and quickly look over to her. She's out, cold.
I lift her head off the window and try to stay calm. I can't take her to the hospital or all the fans will see me with a girl.

I don't want the driver to notice either so I act as calm as possible and place her head on my shoulder. Then I start tapping her and try to wake her up.

She stirs a bit and finally comes back to her senses. She's not fully awake though, because she stays on my shoulder for the rest of the ride.

I wake up and am leaning on Felix's shoulder. Oh god, why did that have to happen right now? He can't know, he'll think I'm weak.
I decide to stay on his shoulder. I don't feel completely awake yet, and it's nice to have someone to lean on since I've been alone in a foreign country.


We arrive at some building but it is dark now so I can't read any signs and my vision is a bit blurry so the street lights just blind me even more.

Felix notices I am still out of it a bit so he helps me walk.

"Where are we?"

Felix just smiles at me and says, "Away from the crowd."

We walk into the building and he unlocks a door once we go through an elevator and a few corridors.

As soon as he opens the door I know where we are. I remember this place from the Stray Kids show that came out before their debut.

He brought me to their dorm.

"Why are we here?"

"I don't like large crowds because people might recognise me and I felt bad just leaving you alone at the theme park. So I thought since the guys are all out tonight, why not bring you here?"


I was trying hard not to feel overwhelmed and kept acting cool.

"How about you sit down?" He sounded a little concerned.


I sit on his couch but he keeps looking at me worriedly.

"What?", I ask, though I know exactly what he's looking at me about.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, it happens all the time."

Not the best thing to say, I guess. He walks over and sits next to me.

He pauses and then says,
"Do you have a health condition?"

"Not really.. it's not a disease I don't think, just...."

I try to think of what I can say to explain it without him thinking of me as some poor girl who can't look after her own body.

"You can tell me, I won't tell anyone."

"I want to, I just don't want you to see me in a different light."

"I won't, I promise."

He holds out his pinky and I take it with my own.

"I h-have an.... eating d-disorder..."

He looks at me with the same look everyone gives me. The same look my parents showed when I tried to tell them, the same look my friends gave when I wouldn't eat dinner, the same look the school nurse had when I collapsed during sport and had to go home early.

Those eyes... the look of pity as if I were a sick puppy.

"Can you explain it more?"

What a question. Can I explain it more? I guess it was a really broad answer that I gave, he must be curious.

"Well... I see Instagram models with perfect bodies, kpop idols with tiny waists and giant thigh gaps, even girls at my school have the prettiest bodies, and I'm left with this one."
I signal towards my body and he looks me up and down then meets my eyes. He grabs my hands and pulls me closer. Oh god... what's happening? Is he gonna...

He pulls me in to a really tight hug and says right beside my ear, "'This one' is a good one, I promise."

I start to tear up and hug him tighter, burying my face in his chest.

We pull away and I see my tears have made his white shirt stick to his skin. I blush and look away.

He looks down and sees it, quickly pulling his shirt away and turns a light shade of pink.

"So, you don't eat?"

I nod my head and he scoots over so that he's right next to me.

We sit in silence for a bit before he randomly suggests, "Wanna play Just Dance?"

My eyes light up at this suggestion. I love dance so much.


He claps and walks to the TV to set up.
My mind has completely wandered away from my disorder as we get ready to boogie.

Thank you so much for reading! Sorry this chapter was kinda long, I get carried away.
Anyway, as I said before this chapter, I have dealt with and still am dealing with an eating disorder. I don't eat much, especially not in public, but I have started eating breakfast again.
Now I'm eating as healthy as I can, I just haven't got to eating in front of my friends yet. Please comment and like if you are enjoying this story and I will update very soon! <3 <3
Also, sorry for any spelling mistakes. I type very fast so there is probably a few in there. It annoys me a lot when I read stories with mistakes but please forgive me!
IG @aussiemaaaate

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