A Date With Ari

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As soon as I enter my hotel room I jump straight onto the bed and curl up into myself.

Was I really about to say that? I should take more consideration before speaking my mind, I guess it was kind of lucky when Chris interrupted me, Felix would have freaked.

I need a night for myself tonight. A movie, that will be perfect

I roll off the bed and search through the cupboard of complimentary movies (yes I know this doesn't exist in most hotels -A/N).

As I'm flicking through I see the flicker of yellow, that looks familiar. I pull out the movie with a brilliant yellow dress and even more beautiful actress presented on the cover.

Beauty and the Beast, the first movie I ever watched with Lix.

Minutes pass as I stare blankly upon the DVD case, remembering that night. Without warning, a stream of tears cascade down my cheeks.

What have I done? I've ruined my relationship with him, I should have never kissed Chris. I wish I never went shopping that day, then everything would be fine.

I put the DVD into the TV and climb back into the comfy ass bed, snuggling right up and drowning myself in pillows.

Halfway through the movie, I feel myself starting to fall away into sleep, but I don't stop it. I need a rest after the events of today and my work day tomorrow.


*knock knock*

A vigorous knocking enters my dream, causing Ariana Grande to get up from the table. Jeez, right in the middle of our date.

She opens the door but pauses when she hears the voice behind the knocking.

"Y/N! Open up! We need to talk!" the voice demands.

He sounds familiar, but why's he interrupting my romantic night with Ari? Ummm, rude much bro.

I snap out of my sleep and realise the knocking is in the real world as well. Dammit, what would it be?

"Y/N, I know you're in there, please."


I slowly escape from the jungle of blankets and pillows, making my way over to the door cautiously.

I bet he's here to have another go at me.

I open the door, but before I can say anything he brings me to his lips, kissing away any worry I had a moment ago.

He skilfully nudges the door shut with his foot and I'm dragged backwards to the bed. He pushes me down onto it and looks down at me, eyes full of passion.

"You didn't get to finish what you were going to say before, go ahead."

He demands an answer from me, but I tense up, not wishing to let him know how I really feel about him, about us.

"It doesn't matter, I don't remember anyway."

He looks at me knowingly.

"You're lying, baby. I can tell."

Why's he acting like this? So... dominant.

"I-I'm not, I really don't know."

I force my face into a mutual expression to hide any hint of lying.

He pushes me down so I am laying on my back, and he quickly appears above me.

"Fine. If you won't tell me, I'll force it out."

Once again, without giving me time to speak he attacks my lips with his own.

But it hurts. It's never hurt before. He's sucking them with his own, and I can feel the swelling already starting to show.

I gasp from the pain but he ignores me, he actually seems to get rougher.

I try to pull away and manage to stop him, but he just goes down to my neck, leaving painful bruises all over it.

"Felix, stop I-"

He pauses and looks at me dead in the eyes.

"Tell me what you were going to say."

I bite my lip. I should just say it.

Whatever, I don't give a fuck what he thinks. If he walks out, he doesn't deserve me.

I return his hard stare and give him the answer he's been waiting for me to spill.

"I think I'm falling for you."

His eyes soften after a moment, and I can see his mind going over my words again and again.

"Y/N... why didn't you want to tell me?"

"Cause it's embarrassing, I haven't loved any guys like this, I didn't know how to feel about it."

He turns over and pulls me on top of him, hugging me tightly.

I put my knees up so I am sitting on his stomach, and wait for what he has to say.

"Y/N, I feel the same, you know? I thought it was obvious, but I guess not.
I love you."

I stare at him silently and in shock. Did he really just say it back??

I lower my head down and kiss him softly.

"I don't deserve you, Lix."

He pulls me to his chest and combs his fingers through my hair. I never knew how nice this feels.

"No, Y/N, I don't deserve you."


Ermageeeerrrddd I hope you liked this chapter, I found it really cuuuuuutttteeee

Also, just as a little suggestion, what if I did a small Q & A? Just comment questions and I might answer them. Just a thought though, feel free to skip along

Byeee :)

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