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I continue my path of anger back down to the lobby and into the blinding day, the sun piercing my eyes as it glints off of the tears flowing carelessly down my cheeks.

I lose all sense of being as I storm past the passerbyers, staring at me worriedly.

I avoid everyone's gaze, and it's not until I feel a strong arm pulling me back towards the building I come to terms with what this must look like.

A teenage girl, tears pouring down her face as she storms out of a large entertainment building, they must think I got fired or something.

Once safely out of sight and deep into the JYP building, the arm lets me go and I wipe away the tears clinging to my skin, getting a look at who it was that pulled me back.

"Y/N... you can't do that, okay? The people outside, they will jump to conclusions seeing you crying and storming out of here."

I stare at Seungmin wondering why he even gives a shit in the first place, it's not like we're friends or anything

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

He looks at me for a moment, considering his options, and pulls me into his chest.

"You should talk to Felix, this is his first real relationship, I think he just got over protective of you when he saw you and Chan acting so... close."

I'm slowly released from his hold.

I look him in the eyes, judging whether he will go spilling his guts or not if I tell him what happened.

"Seungmin... there's something that happened that would make Felix this jealous, he's not just being overprotective."

He looks at me curiously and I sigh.

"Chan kissed me when Felix was back home."

His mouth opens in shock but I put my hand over it.

"Let me explain, okay?"

He nods slowly and I retract my arm.

"It was just a mistake that happened in the magic of that moment, it didn't mean anything and I told Felix straight away so he didn't find out later.
Chan and I talked about it and we both understand that there was nothing behind it, it was a mistake. I guess Felix is still a little touchy about me talking to Chan."

I watch as Seungmin's mind rolls over my explanation and he nods slowly again.

"Okay, Y/N. But even though Felix told you he doesn't care, he still does. Just when you talk to Chan maybe stand a bit further away from him?"

"Okay. Thank you, Seungmin."

He pats my back and we walk back into the practice room.

I avoid eye contact with everyone, focusing on finding Felix, but I can feel their eyes following my every move again.


I say his name and nothing more, waiting for his reaction.

Is he still pissed?

But when he looks at me, he just looks... sad.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I just can't handle it, seeing you be so friendly with Chan."

"Felix, please, we're just friends. You're the one I want."

He looks up at me, deep into my eyes, searching for more meaning behind my words.
But they're true, he's the one for me.

"I think I'm fall-"

I'm cut off by Chris engulfing Felix in a hug. I guess it's time for them to sort their shit out, I should just go.

"I'll see you later..."

I turn and walk out the door, bowing goodbye to the other members before I leave.

I call over a taxi and go home before anyone can come after me. I need some space.

Felix's POV
I didn't mean to get angry, I didn't mean to be annoyed.

I can't help it that her being around him triggers me so much. I just keep running through my mind an image of them kissing.

It's horrible, I hate this.

She walks up to me after what looks like a talk with Seungmin. At least I can trust him, he would never kiss my girlfriend.

She apologises as soon as she is close enough to me so that the others can't hear, even though they can't speak English anyway.

Unlike Chan.

Great, he's in my thoughts again.

"I think I'm fall-"

I turn my head to the side, eager to hear what she has to say next, I want to put this behind us, when Chan swoops me into his arms in an apologetic hug.

I hear Y/N mumble something and see the door close with the swish of her hair turning around the corner.
Dammit, Chan.

I think she was going to say... no, she wouldn't of. And if she did, I feel the same way, I think. Why else would I be so protective. No, she wouldn't say that yet, would she?



I'm not proud of this chapter at all, I feel like it's really boring but I had to somehow get Y/N calmed down while also coming to the realisation of something which I guess is pretty obvious but maybe some of you don't know what she was gonna say ooooooooo

Bye :)

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