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Hey there! Sorry to interrupt your reading, but I just started writing a new story. It's a Bang Chan X Reader FF called 'When I Fall'. I just published the first chapter, if you wanna go check it out that'd be sweet :))

"Jaiden! I haven't spoken to you in a while, there's so much I need to tell you."

I hear him laugh lightly on the other end of the phone.

"I have a lot to tell you too, Y/N. You know, it's kind of a bummer having to stay here when I should be with you and Jesse."

I look around my new room, my clothes sprawled all over my bed and bags sitting in the doorway.

"You've been there for, what, two weeks now? I think it should be fine if you come back with us. I miss you."

"Nawww, don't get all cheesy."

We both laugh and there's a moment of silence while he ponders on a plan.

"I miss you too, Y/N. And I have a plan."

I knew it.

"I'm gonna say that you are going to teach me Korean, and I need to go back to you."

"That sounds perfect, Jaiden. But there's one problem: I can't speak Korean too ass hat."

He pauses for a moment.

"True, true true true. Truueee. T-t-t-t-trueeee."



"What are you thinking?"

"Um- well you know how you live with Jesse now? And how Jesse is Korean? And how Jesse speaks Korean?"

"Jaiden, no! She's already let me live here, we can't expect her to be our teacher!"

"Y/N, just hear me out. Jesse, the Korean-speaking friend of ours, is just meters away from you. And think about it; don't you need to know a fair bit of this language to do your job right? You can't expect the other people in your class to not learn it."

"Jaiden, I already told you. The teacher speaks English!"

"But it would be sooo much easier if he only had to speak one language, correct?"

I stay silent, he's making a lot of sense.

"Thank you, now go tell Jesse I'm gonna be there tomorrow."


"Yeah, tomorrow, does that not work?"

"Um, I was kinda invited to hang out with a few of the Stray Kids boys, you could tag along though. It would be great for you to be mutual with them, then it wouldn't be so awkward in the future if we ever hang out together."

"Hmm, I s'pose that'd be pretty chill. And I can see Felix again! I wonder if he remembered our handshake..."

"You're crazy." I laugh at him.

"I am. But you love me. See you tomorrow at 11!"

He hangs up before I can reply. Well, I guess I'll be seeing him tomorrow at 11.

"Dammit, I wonder if Jesse could teach us Korean..." I mumble out loud.

I jump when my bedroom door flies open revealing a sleepy friend of mine.

"I felt my ears burning?"

"Jesse, hey there, what're you doing here?"

She looks at me like she didn't hear my right.

"Um, I live here?"

"Right, right right. That is... right."

"It is right, now tell me whatever you're going to cause I'm starving and can't waste any more time talking to you."


She raises her eyebrows at me and I clear my throat.

"Jaiden and I were just wondering... could you teach us Korean? I mean- it doesn't have to be an every day thing, just like a few things a week and maybe try and hold conversations with us in Korean?"

Her face lights up more and more with every word I say.

"Yes! Yes yes yes! I would love to teach you Korean! You know, the language is actually quite fun to learn."

I nod exaggeratedly.

"Yeah, yeahhh, I'm sure it is."

"You bet! Well- I'm off to make some pancakes. I hope I don't burn myself again..."

She walks out the door but before I forget I leap up and grab her arm.

"Oh! One last thing. Jaiden is coming back tomorrow."


"Yeah, tomorrow, does that not work?"

Welp, déjàvu.

"I'm gonna be at work tomorrow."

She looks at me with a slight frown.

"It's okay! He's gonna come and hang out with me and Stray Kids, they invited me to their dorm tomorrow, we're gonna play Just Dance!"

"You're still obsessed with that game... well, sounds like fun! Now, excuse me while I make my pancakes."

She walks away in her leopard print pyjama pants and massive socks.

I walk back into my dimension of dishevelled socks and crinkled shirts.

I hate mess.

Hihihi I didn't know what to put at the header photo so enjoy this one 😌

Also sorry for any typos, I feel like I apologise for that a lot but it's 12:30 AM and I need to pee v bad byeeee

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