The Shy Girl Bite's Back To Her Supposed Cocky Werewolf Mate [1]

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The air conditioning in the mall frenzied my uncovered legs, the shorts I picked out today was a idiotic idea, the most obvious reason was that winter was now here. I wasn't ready for the change again, kind like I wasn't ready for the change coming soon. Little did I know, fate had a cruel way of telling me to leave everything I love. Feeling the vibration from my left side pocket, A glimpse of light thought maybe It was Daniel. Was this my life? If so why does it suck so much.

I click accept, holding in the disappointment. "Hey, mom"

"Hey, sweetie. Daddy's home from another business trip. I'm making roast " He's not my dad I thought. Feeling annoying I spit out "What do you want?" She wanted something I was just making it easier for the both of us. Cut the small chat.

"On your way home, would you kindly stop by the grocery store and buy some fresh potatoes, lettuce, and a gallon of milk" My mind collected all the items.

"Gotcha" I replay quick enough.

The bi*ch I mean, Mom aught me like a lion trapping its pray. "Were have a small talk tonight" The words hit me strong, the last night there was a family talk, It was about sending me to boot camp because my grade's were slacking, and my boyfriend -- ex-boyfriend was the soul cause.

No walks to the park. No late night phone calls. No more movie nights. No more sweet kisses. just plain old nothing.


I unlock the wooden double doors, to our mansion like place.

"I'm here!" I yell over the classical music playing in the kitchen. I sit my Mercedes car key's on the stand. The plastic bags weigh down leaving small fading pink marks on my light skin, so I set them on the kitchen counter.

Lifting my head my expression of shook was readable. Calvin - I mean, Dad is drunkenly waltzing around in outpaced kitchen with mom. I'm happy they were so close to each other without wanting too rip each others throats out. It's a pleasant change. Questions need to be answered.

I abruptly cough catching their attention over the music, My mother turns her head with a fake surprised expression like what they were doing was a normal thing in this house. Yeah right.

My father breaks the silence with a death gripping hug, whispering "I'm so happy to see you" His breath smelling like a bitter after taste of wine. I pat his back slightly pulling away.

"whats going on dad" his drunken face fates to a pale ghostly white. My moms tiny body swishes in like a gust of wind, to protect him. "dad got a wonderful position at canon company today, tripling his salary' We already have a lot of money as we want I thought. "we are moving to Arizona"

"so.." my mother began with a nervous giggle. Her eyes dimmed with electric blue joy.

I cross my arms adding the narrowing of my eyes into little slits of suspicion.

She burst out a that nervous shell coming out looking like a clumsy idiot with...

"your going to boarding school!!" adding some spirit fingers, I was to pissed to mock her.

realty hit my face.

I didn't get either of them the respect of saying anything, I rudely turn away stumping my feet.

I knew this was going to happen even If I went kicking and screaming.


Waking up the next day to see a note with the following words

Dearest daughter, There is a plane ticket on the kitchen table. The flight is at 4 o clock. Richard will be taking you to the airport. Pack your bags.

Have a wonderful flight.

With all are love, XOXO Mom & Dad

I don't get how I was birthed by these two people, they are so foreign to me.

I was never this distant to them, there was a time when. They love each other.

When I loved them. Not sure what happen. What was I really leaving behind here anyway?

Oh right everything I've ever known.


[Sorry, I skipped the way there I don't find the point in writing how she got there]

Being on a flight for 4 hours give's you time to think about the new prospective life as given you. I can have have friends, a boyfriend, enemies, people to interact with! I know this sounds pathetic, I don't have issues making friends for many reasons. I wasn't hard to approach, I had friends. Younger before things got miserable between my parents, I seriously believe they swore to make my life as pathetic as theirs. Maybe, just maybe this was a blessing in disguise.

My hands are completely filled with my luggage, has I stride with my body finding it's way to the office.

"Hey, I'm a new student here " giving my best smile, the brown eyed lady wasn't impressed.

"I see" was all the was said. She continued to looking for her files. What do I do now?

"What do I do know" tilting my head in confusion. The woman burst into a giggle fit with a small wow that I assume I wasn't suppose to hear. I stand their waiting for a answer.

"go sent down, I will have the a student guide help you out" her voice rigid

"thank you" I say confidently.

I lye my head back, closing my eyed lids. I was jet lagged, didn't sleep during the flight.

I quietly rest for a few minutes before a boy stands in front of me. His dirty blonde hair falls around his face perfectly, brown eyes bare at with me with excitement.

I rub my eyes blinking a few time "Hey I'm Ellie Candle" I speak through yawns. Not realizing how tired I was.

"I'm Andrew, your tour guide" with a flirtatious wink I can't help the blush creep to my cheeks. I've never had boys do that. Expect Daniel even then he was subtle. I barley know this boy.

"Uh hi" I breathe. That was just idiotic, I need some sleep. Andrew gives a quiet chuckle "Let's get going before Mrs. Grocery gives us detection for breathing to loud"

"they can do that?" I ask

"I hope not that would be very unprofessional" not answering my question. Andrew picks up my bags.

As we walk down the hallway, Andrew gives me the feedback of living here "This is your first year, the classes are average, the kids are nice - well most of the kids anyway" the last part stuck with me, it seems simple enough, the way he spoke with them was bitter sending shivers down my spine.

When we stop at room 140

I left it at that. "Here is your schedule, rooms keys, school packet and your car is parked in the back. You can't really go anywhere so I don't see the point."

"thanks" I cheer. I made a new friend I thought.

"most your classes are with me so you don't have to worry to much about getting lost this school is pretty big" the dimples on his face spread freely.

This all was so sudden, my life was getting better. I jumped up and down without thinking wrapping my arm around him giving a hug with a annoying squeal.

He pulled his body back, holding me from arms length,

"um, Ellie you can't just go hugging random people, It's not safe" I'm horrible at hiding facial expressions I was hurt. Andrews eyes fierce with authority. This was his job as student guide..I feel idiotic.

"sorry" I murmurer steepening back.

"No, No, I didn't mean to say it like that. I'm sorry."I look up, to see him walking away.

I unlock the room to see a freshly made bed, a small kitchen, bathroom. They don't called this a elite boarding school for nothing.

The Shy Girl Bite's Back To Her Supposed Cocky Werewolf MateWhere stories live. Discover now