The Shy Girl Bite's Back To Her Supposed Cocky Werewolf Mate [3]

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I'm freaking out here!

I don't want to be seen, I'm already a big enough target being new and all. He can't be that bad. He needs my help. I bite my lip nervously for a minute standing by the body.

Take a deep breath I say

Karma is on my side If I do the right thing.

I hope.

When I hover over his gentle lying body. I bend down pressing my fingers on his unbelievable gorgeous face. "hey anyone there?" I ask.

I pat the side of his face only get a few grunts. I stand back up debating what to do. Water will do it! It works every time. I search my backpack for a unopened water bottle.


Getting on my knees I whisper a quick "please don't hate me" watching the water spill all over his face.

"Uhhhhhh!" Lane lifts his body up quickly. Wiping the water of his face. When he turns he sees me there with a small smile on my face.

"I'm so sorry" the words slip out quickly

His face is stained with humiliation. "It was all my fault, I didn't mean to. I didn't know.." I pleaded. Okay this was getting pathetic. I didn't even do it on purpose.

Lane's soft lips curl into a evil smile "Not as sorry as you will be" He says getting closer to my face. I angle my face a little away from his. Why was this making me so uncomfortable. Lane's eyes pierce into mine.

"Your really cute." he whispers sending shivers down my spine. What!

"like I said I'm sorry, It wasn't purposely. I did nothing wrong." His expression showed gritted teeth.

Feeling scared out of my mind, I push myself up with my hands. "I'm have to go!" I gather my stuff and leave.

Oh shit shit shit shit.


When I get back to class with the books, I realized I was gone for a long time. The teacher asked if I got lost and to use a buddy system. I nodded.

Andrew lip whispers "what happen?"

"later" I say

We finished the rest of the class discussing theories of human evolution.


When we get to my room Andrew lays himself on my bed staring at the patterns on the ceiling.

Grabbing a granola bar I ask "so whats your deal with lane?"

"not at all to the a point" he says sarcastically.

"Oh come on, its so obvious" I take a bite on my granola bar.

I sit next to him. "right. Yeah, well Lane's not a good person. I get that but you become like a robot when your around him"

Andrew just rolls over. I sigh. When I reach over my finger to touch his shoulder I say "you can tell me. Please." I want to help him.

Andrew sighs sitting up looking at me "I'm gay" cover his eyes. "Oh" I thought, a blush creeps up to my face.

"I'm sorry If I led you on.." I uncover his face

"No No Its okay.." I give him a hug.

"How does Lane know this?" Andrew stays quiet for a moment. Debating with him self. "he saw me with the English teacher Mr. after" I feel my mouth drop. The handsome 25 year old teacher.

I hit his shoulder "you got yourself a cutie" Andrews face turns red. "yeah" he mumbles.

"so lane's holding this against you?"

"basically, until he needs something from me"

"I'm really happy you told me."

"Strangely, I trust you" he blurts. I know this was hard and I didn't want to push.

"want to do some homework and watch a movie" jumping off the bed.

"No way are you getting off that easy" Andrew cheers

"what do you mean?" I ask innocently.

"what happen when you left to go get the books you were gone for a long time"

I tell him the whole story, I leave out the feelings of lanes Greek god body getting close to me. After the story Andrew's face goes pale white.

"I have to go..." with that Andrew rushes out of here.


The next day I text Missy. If I wanted honest answers It would be from her.

Me: hey. I need to talk to you.

Missy: sure. About what?

Me: Andrew stuff. What are you doing?

Missy: getting ready for class. I don't think I will have time to stop by. How about lunch?

Me: okay. See you then. Later :)

Missy: peace

I close my phone. Andrew wasn't here to pick me up today. Something inside said I was in big trouble. I need to go swimming an clear my head. First things first though.

I had so many questions though. Why was Andrew so afraid of Lane? Why do I have this foreign feeling with lane a extremely cruel boy? Why is this school odd? Was I ever going to get answers? What was going to happen?


When I walk out of my room flayers are spread throughout the whole hall. Kids are whispering. I look around confused before I pick one of the papers up.

Oh no.

It was a picture of Mr. After and Andrew kissing! Mr. After is going to be fired. I push my legs to go faster to class.

Class had not started yet.

I see Andrew sitting on the steps with a expression of grief. I just walk forward to wrapping my arms around his massive body.

I don't say anything just just give silent understanding.

"every thing's ruined" he whimpers low, so no one can hear.

"everything with be okay"

"No it will not BE." a sexy rude voice says

I twist my body to see - what a shock. Lane. His evil smirk of pure joy.

I felt something.

It was intolerant, my thoughts were becoming blank.

My vain pumped with heat.

It was ANGER. The power took over.

between all the hazy confusion, I heard multiple gasps

The Shy Girl Bite's Back To Her Supposed Cocky Werewolf MateWhere stories live. Discover now