The Shy Girl Bite's Back To Her Supposed Cocky Werewolf Mate [4]

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The wind blows harshly, shivers trail through my spine I feel drained, like my body couldn't move any longer. Leaves crumpled underneath me, dirt spread over my naked body. Naked body!! I turn to see Lane lying peacefully his arm underneath my neck.

What the hell happen?! I push myself up with all my strength. It was dark outside, yet I could see everything. Looking through the woods I found a electric blue t shirt.

It covered me for the most part. It had a couple of rips in it. I'm still a virgin, we didn't do it we? I pace back and forth. Pulling at my tangled hair. What part of the woods were we in?

I shake Lane viciously, "stop it" he growls.

"wake the hell up! You pervert! what did you do it me" I stop shaking him. Lane scratches his head sitting up. He rubs his eyes for a moment taking in a yawn.

I tap my finger on my arm impatiently.

"was that only clothing you found?" he asks


"I guess I'm going back to school naked" he mumbles. As he says that I can't help but look down at his muscled abs leading down to his "area" I had never seen one before It was..nice.

I felt my face heat up at the smirk Lane gave me. "like anything, you see feisty?"

I take in a huge gulp. "what happen?" I ask.

"we imprinted babe"

"What? How? Why? Who?" I say.

Lane's face curls into a sexy smile. It made me want to through a pine cone at it.

"No one had told you anything. Have they?"

"what is there to tell?"

"Why out no where your parents decided to get rid of you? Why your angry more often?"

"My dad got a great job in another state! And I'm only angry with you! you arrogant bully!"

Until I said that, I didn't realize how close I was to him. Lane's body hovered over mine in the dark Forrest. I wasn't scared though. His once strong presence didn't find me hovering in the dark.

His eyes showed annoyance "I don't have time to convince you what happen but I will tell you"

"spit it out"

"Can you have some manners?" he questions

"with you? Yeah right" I'm a normal outcast girl, who spends her time reading, shopping, singing, homework.

"whatever girly, Your a werewolf And No we didn't have sex, just a little tough playing." He winks

"You were unexpected because your parents kept you under the radar for so long. I'm prince of the Hutton werewolf pack The biggest, most powerful of all packs. You are my mate for life, I can't really complain your body is to die for" He trances his fingers down my curves.

"get you hands off me" I pull away.

"anyway" he continues "Your differently different. You don't fall all over my presence. I can tame you though. To behave right of course. This snob attitude you have will die down enough enough" Pff.

He can't be serious? Snobby attitude? I've been accused of things before but that..I started laugh in his face. It wasn't on purpose. What he was claiming was to in some fantasy world.

His face was controlled. When I stop laughing I ask "did someone forget to take the right medication today?"

"This is no joke Ellie"he says.

Lane touches my right arm with a gentle grip, something tingled.

"what's that feeling?" I ask. Concerned that something might be strong with me.

"the bond, touch the right side of my arm" he orders. I grab a hold of his arm.

Have you ever played ring around the rosy when the circle was completed. It was something like that expect powerful. My heart was beat hysterically, mind was content, body was strong, I felt complete. I didn't want the moment to end. I peered deeply into Lanes emerald brown eyes for a long time, he looked back intensely. The tingling turned into heat that burned through our skin effortlessly.

It was magical they way the flame burned around us, light up the dark sky.

then before I knew it Lane let go break all ties to the feeling. Something was missing, Nothing more was left but a burnt out fire.

"Lets head back now" I don't know how long a took there but Lane was about a yard away. I run to check up.


When I reached the school. We went are separated ways. We didn't speak to each other the whole way back. Lane seemed to be somewhere else, and didn't complain I felt the same.

I shamelessly want to tough his body. Claim him as mine.

Walking down the halls, no one dared even looked at me. I kept my head down pacing fast to my non-judgmental room.

I took a hot shower, made a hot pocket, put on my PJ's and sent a text to Missy.

Me: hey, what happen? No one will even look at me.

I waited a hour.


I dug my head into my fluffy pillow taking in the only comfort I had.

I feel so incomplete I thought, I let the drained emotional send me to unconscious land.


I woke up the next day in a bed that was not mine, the open curtains with the sun beaming on my face.

Lane walks out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth, "morning" This is exactly want it seems like

"how dare you invade my privacy like that" I scream.

I bolt towards him pushing him against the wall. My face puffed with anger "You might be my mate or whatever but If you ever fuck with my personal life without tell me I will PERSONALY make sure to cut off your arm so were no longer mates" The idea didn't sound so bad.

Lane natural light tan lips curl into a smile. "Little feisty in the morning are we?" A blush creeps under my cheeks when I realized my hands were pressed against his half naked body.





"UHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I scream with everything I got.

The Shy Girl Bite's Back To Her Supposed Cocky Werewolf MateWhere stories live. Discover now