The Shy Girl Bite's Back To Her Supposed Cocky Werewolf Mate [2]

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*Beep beep beep beep beep*

I press the alarm clock off, make some toast, juice, took a shower, put on my blue & white uniform singing to the radio.

Knock knock

I open the door, whoa, to see Andrew bright smile. What a surprise.

Kidding kidding. I felt inner strength blooming the effect on not putting up with my parent made things better. I had a friend. I mental pushed back yesterday days humility.

"Hey Andrewww" danging out the W

"Hey Elieee" mimicking my attitude.

Andrew holds his arm out for me to put it around, I take it happily. "let's get going"


when we get closer, we automatically separate. His face pulls together int a controlled facial. When We walk in It was fairly normal. The only thing that struck out was - well the boys in the back doing nothing. No dress code shown, in the far end of the class room laughing at a girl who was having paper wads being through at. The teachers was doing nothing, I throw a concerned look at Andrew who just shrugs.

One of the boy caught my main attention, he held his head up high. It was obvious he was leader. His eyes glanced at me for a moment while I narrowed my eyes at him. The light green eyed boy gives me a evil smirk. His presence was strong, I didn't let go of eye contact until one of his friends took his attention away.

I felt a pang of justice needing to be served, yet everyone in the room pretended to not see anything. Doesn't this school pride it self on its high morals. I think not. Common sense told me to take back being the weakling I am. I did.

The rest of the class was spent learning math, I wrote my notes down. I peeked over at Andrew for some kinda of reassurance about everything. Nothing.


On the way to lunch I stop Andrew by blocking him

"what was that"

"what was what? Andrews eyes wonders off.

"don't play dumb with me why was the girl being treated that why.." I say rigidly. Hating myself for doing nothing.

"look, Ellie this school.."

Giving out a big sigh Andrew says " The group leader is the principals son, He doesn't get in trouble. People have tired over the years. Everyone's pretty much given up, and try to stay on his good side."

with another sigh I collect my thoughts. Shaking my head back and forth. Accept. Move on. It wasn't right. I can't rub the feeling away.

"one more thing?"

"why do you separate for me when we go in public"

"oh" He puts his face down

"What is it?"

"No public affection, If Lane sees it. Your a target." His face turns bright red. Does this mean he likes me and lane is the name of boy in charge.

"Oh" I breathe taking in all these idiotic rules.


The cafeteria was filled with chattering. Like usual Andrew moved away a few paces. I ordered a pineapple pizza, salad, coke zero. I love coke zero. The taste sent my taste buds tingling. My eyes wonder around at all the kids. I followed Andrew to a table of a few kids.

I sat across from Andrew on the right side of him was a girl with light red hair, a pierced lip, a tattoo of a yen yang sign on her right shoulder. This girl was not following the rules. She appear to be the opposite of everything I was.

She smirked when she saw me staring like a freak show "sorry" I blurt out. The girl laughs loudly. Pulling out her hand "I"m missilry"

"Just call me Missy"

I hesitatingly to shake her hand back "I'm Ellie, I'm new here"

"obviously" she laughs. "your quiet the timid girl aren't you." it wasn't a question.

"yeah" I try to respond to her boldness. I admired her instantly.

"This school wasn't meant for you then. You have to be tough"

"I can be tough" trying to sound powerful lifting my body up as well. I see her biting her lips from laughing out loud.

"this is going to a good friendship"

"I hope so" I say. Munching down my lunch.

Andrew doesn't make much interaction his eyes down focusing on his pizza. Was it because of Lane?

I pass the thought.

For now.

I spend the rest of lunch telling Missy about my parents. How I ended up here. Shes finds it comical. It feels like a relief to tell someone about my parents. She told me about her parents, why she was sent here to get wimped into shape but she swears it's was just to get rid of her. at the end of lunch I exchange cell numbers with her.


My next class was science, I was told to go get 3 more book from room 133 because we were out. I stopped looking for help from Andrew. His cold shoulder was upsetting me.

I went walking around the halls when I spot the classroom ahead as a walk at the edge of hallway the closet swing open hitting me square in the face I fall on my butt. I shake my head. I let out a small moan.

I look up to see a make up face filled blonde girl stand before me "opps" she says with a smile on her face sneering away.

What the hell?

When she walks, I stand up Feeling very angry about the situation I slam the closet door.

Before I walk away I here a big BOOM.

Oh no! I hurt someone.

When I open the door I see Lane!! I should go..before he knows it was me.

Kindness Vs. not wanting me be a next target.

The Shy Girl Bite's Back To Her Supposed Cocky Werewolf MateWhere stories live. Discover now