The Shy Girl Bite's Back To Her Supposed Cocky Werewolf Mate [5]

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It was those melting eyes, that saw through me. No it was the way his body fit under fit mine comfortably No the way his presence strayed away all sadness. No no no no.

He didn't see my fragile body. He treated me like I should have always been. A strong woman.

I hit my forehead continuously

"your head is going to hurt" lane blurts

I stop. Turn to him. "maybe I know that? Do I look like a idiot"

He gives me a huge grin "don't answer that" I snip.

"why are you doing this?" I ask. Lane shoulders shrug away the hindering feeling that he was hiding something with his eyes darting to the wall.

"I want you here" he says, his body seemingly stiff regretting saying that. This boy is odd I thought. His appearance give no hint of flaws. Where was the rude boy I saw a couple days ago?

"Looking..." how do I say this? "If you like a girl you have to be.."

"what! No!" he whines throwing his hands in the air, automatically striding towards me. "girls would love to be where you are! You don't even ughh!!"

His presences brought me breathless. "I don't...I don't know what" his voice surprisingly tender. Lane soft lips were in a straight line. Defenseless of any kisser out there.

I look up to see him smiling at me. "do you want to kiss me?" he asks seductively before my mouth formed any type of words It seem to hit me like a thunder storm.

His lips smashed down softly so...perfectly they brought the taste of life into me. Energy swarming through my fluttering stomach.

His arms wrapping me around him with such force of need to be close. My hands twirling through his hair pulling stands every time he bites my lower lips. Growling wanting entrance to the my mouth. I wasn't going to let him in that easy. I desire to tease him. He's too good at this I thought.

Lane pulled me towards the wall my breath hazy with desire when the kiss broke. I look up in disappointment He stares at me possessively. This was bad. Why do I want him so much. I close my eyes asking myself for balance for the real world. Lane trails kiss down my neck giving me uncontrollable joy.

I hear him chuckle on his breathe. Lane's teeth tenderly runs down my skin before he sinks his teeth in. I let out a small moan when the someone pushes the double doors open....

I pushes Lane off me "what the hell was that!" I scream.

"dude you bite her!" the boy taunts

"yeah think? It should heal soon werewolf in all" I ponder. My face burnt with humiliation.

Lane just as a wide as grin "shes mine no one will dare touch her now. It's a royal mark"

"your kidding me right?"

'why would I be kidding!" I yell, the blonde haired boy eyes widen. He marked me, I let him touch me like that. When he turned his chest towards the door. I jump automatically sinking my teeth into his skin.

"get her off me!" he whines. I unwrap my legs from his waist let them dangle I drop to the ground. I pretend to dust dirt off me nonchalantly.

The blonde boys face stuck with horror. I give him a 'what the fuc* are you looking at'

"next time you decided to mark me has yours remember we are equals and justice will be served" I stick out my tongue.

"dude.." I hear the boy mummer

"shut up keep yourself" lane orders.


Andrew wasn't in class. No one seemed to even notice.

When lunch rolled around I met up with Missy.

"whats going on?" taking a sip of my coke zero.

"do you ever drink anything else? Missy raises her eyes brow.

"of course. Don't change the subject" savoring the amazing taste.

"what happen. You seem like a different person" I take that in.

I shrug my shoulders "I still feel like me, just stronger now answer please"

Missy sighs "rumors just goin' around. Andrew dropped out. Some say to run away with his lover. Some say Lane had it out for him" Missy bites her pizza.

"why would lane have it out for him?" She points at me

"hes gay. That doesn't make sense"

"have you seen the way that boys looks at you Ellie? Hes would jealous if were close to piece of paper."

"i really hope he didn't do that" I sigh

"Lane's done many mean things Ellie I don't see how you guys could be anymore not meant for each-other."

"there isn't is going to be anymore of it. If I have to be with him til I die I'm going to make sure it's right"

"You do that"

"you don't think I can?"

"It's not that..He's dangerous"


"dangerous" she gulps peering over him nothing scares her. Shes the toughest chick I know.

"whats up with the bite? Lane I'm betting. Damn hes hot." shes my best friend. I wanted to steal her sexy imagine of him from her away.

"no worries I bite back" Her eyes widened in surprise. Why everyone so damn surprised?


I still had the same classes, expect my last one were we learned to control our werewolf-ness.

Transforming only happens when your beyond angry with age you can do it easy-pessy. I was told to just watch. Tomorrow the training began.

After school Lane waited outside for me. The blush creep on my face like a little sneaky snake. He didn't feel like a mean person.

"I'm sorry" he says.

"its okay I guess. Don't do that to me unless I want u too."

"do you want me to?" he asks

turning away I say "shutaup"

maybe I thought.


the way he held my hand warmed my body. The creeping feeling of Andrew stayed. "what did you do that to Andrew?"

"who?" Lane say innocently

"you know who" I was in no mood for games

"he was trouble"

"how so?" Lane unlocks the dorm room

"its alpha business" the black fitting shirt wore today was ravishing the way his muscles shaping it.

"I'm your mate now" I throw my jacket on the table

"technically your not, until we do it" Lanes tan face glows with anticipation. It felt a weird feeling of wanting that..

"tell me" I press. Lanes face curls into a frown.

"he was-"

A beautiful brown haired boy in a fancy suit peers out of the dark "wonderful job bro catching the spy"

"spy?" I ask Lane

"Andrew" Lanes stance becomes rigid.

"Oh" I say

The tan skinned boy picks up my hand kissing it quickly "you must be the famous Ellie" My face turns pink and Lane just looks pissed.

"who are you?" I ask

"I'm ---

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2010 ⏰

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