Soldier: 76 // Uniform Violations

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No prompt. Just a guilty pleasure.

[Rating: PG13]
[Word Count: 1543]
[Summary: Soldier: 76 is a dad, and you're going to play the part of a rebellious teenager.]
[Genre: Suggestive fluff]

     "You'll catch a cold wearing that."

     You whipped your head around, pointedly staring at the infamous Soldier: 76. "I'm fine, it's not that cold."

      It was true, your clothing was rather revealing. Your shirt stopped three-fourths of the way down your stomach, and was translucent enough for hints of your lacy black bra to show through the fabric. Your shorts were just shy of not fitting over your butt, and you had discarded your coat on a nearby chair. That was your business, though. 

     You would usually be wearing clothing that would be considered a lot more conservative, especially as autumn was nearing its end, leaving a crisp chill to hang in the air. The only reason you were so scarcely dressed was because of D.Va, whose plotting mind had conjured up the perfect source of entertainment for the night: make "Daddy: 76" deal with a rebellious teenager. 

      D.Va and you were pretty close, with the two of you being the youngest agents in recalled Overwatch (you two were the squad "babies"), and you knew her well enough to have guessed she'd involve you in one of her schemes sooner or later. 

     Grinning, she had decided to collect the bounty of a bet you'd lost weeks ago. "You said you'd do anything I want if you didn't score as high as me in the training simulators. You lost fair and square," she'd whined in the privacy of your room. "Just help me prove how much of a Dad Soldier: 76 is. A suggestive outfit, some run-of-the-mill back talking. That's all I'm asking for."

     And here you were, grinning defiantly at the man in question. You lifted your arms up in a stretch, letting your shirt ride up as you did so, with the expectation that he would glance away in a flustered fit. D.Va would be losing her goddamn mind as soon as she saw the footage the camera you'd set up was capturing. 

     He did no such thing, not even his posture changing. "It's barely even fifty degrees out today, agent. We have a mission to go on tomorrow, and I don't need you giving away our position because of your sneezing and runny nose."

     You put your hands on your hips stubbornly. "I said I'm not cold." Though you couldn't see his expression under his visor, you could guess that he was quite annoyed. 

     In the next moment, he was shrugging his jacket off, stomping over to you and draping it over your shoulders. "If you're not going to change into proper attire, just wear this."

     You blushed for a moment, but quickly regained your composure. "No."

     He crossed his arms indignantly as you tossed the jacket back at him before stomping off across the room to the couch, where Jesse McCree was on the edge of sleep. Soldier: 76 didn't follow, he just watched you reproachfully. 

      "Oh, Jesse," you sang as you plucked his cowboy hat off of him, dropping it onto your head. You smiled lightly as he stirred, blinking in disbelief as he saw what you were wearing. 

     "Sugar, what're you—"

     You pushed a finger to his lips and winked, fighting the urge to glance behind you at Soldier: 76. Leaning in so that you could whisper in his ear, you said, "Just play along. D.Va's up to something and I just happen to be a part of it this time. I'm a rebellious teenager for today, can you play the part of the older, bad influence of a love interest?"

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