Hanzo // Mission Failed

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Prompt 15. "Pretty sure none of this was supposed to happen."

A/N: I don't know how to write action scenes lmao but I did my best and it ended up longer than I expected/not anywhere near my originally planned plot line.

[Rating: PG13]
[Word Count: 2131]
[Summary: The mission you and Hanzo are on takes an unexpected turn, and Hanzo has to deal with his distracting thoughts through it all.]
[Genre: Not-quite-smut]
[Super Unedited]
[WARNING: Sexually explicit implications]

Requested by: Mayleea

     Going undercover in formal settings had always been a strong suit for Hanzo Shimada; after all, he had been raised luxuriously, and he'd often needed to navigate complex social settings as a result. His background prepared him for almost anything in the world of high-class events like this.

     Anything, that is, except for the sight that was laid out before him. You stood with an measured sense of poise, your glass of white wine resting idly between your ring and middle finger. The dress that you'd been assigned for your mission glittered in the light, hugging your curves, the slit in its side exposing a slimmer of your long legs, the design revealing the dip of your back. The way it fit around your body was making Hanzo sweat

     He had to set his thoughts on it aside until later tonight, though, when he would be alone in his hotel room. Once there, he would be able to take care of the frustrating feelings your appeal brought to him. He'd imagine exactly what your legs would feel like if his hands were to trail up them, how they'd look bare and wrapped around his waist. At present, however, there was a mission to be focusing on, and he couldn't let such frivolous ponderings pollute his actions. 

     He adjusted the cuff of his tux, stepping around a group of chattering attendees in order to approach your lone figure. For the night, you would be strangers rather than fellow agents. "I must say that you are the picture of elegance. May I ask who you're here with tonight?"

     You studied him, your gaze calculating. Hanzo knew this was not just an act. You typically regarded almost everybody with a sense of professional curiosity, silently judging others while keeping your skepticisms to yourself. "I'm here on my own."

     "What a fortunate coincidence," he replied with a blasé glance at the suit-and-tie event taking place around him. He resisted the urge to let his eyes skim back to you; if he were to let them, they'd surely travel downward, far away from your face. "Perhaps you're my reward for my efforts here tonight?"

     You brought the glass of wine to your lips, taking a drawn-out sip and letting your eyes fall shut as you appraised the taste of it. Only Lacroix had such lavish wines on base, it was unlikely you'd have another chance to sample such fine alcohol. Hanzo waited patiently, though a bit incredulously. He hadn't expected you to be so involved in your role. He had to admit, though: it suited you well. If he were still involved with the Shimada Clan, it'd be fitting for somebody like you to be by his side, constantly being spoiled by the riches of his empire. 

     After a few moments you turned your attention back to your conversational partner. "I don't believe we've been introduced."

     "Of course. How rude of me. My name is Sora Takashi," Hanzo told you evenly. You'd both had false identities forged. "I run . . . I suppose you can call it a trading business in Japan." This was a polite way of saying he was in the drug trafficking industry. "I assume you're the much discussed Marie Ludenberg?"

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