Soldier: 76 // The Deal

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No prompt this time.

[Rating: PG13]
[Word Count: 1257]
[Summary: You aren't happy about your transfer to Jack Morrison's troops, especially with the dirt you have on him. Perhaps you two can come to an agreement?]
[Genre: Bro I don't even know I'm just trying to get back into writing. Suspense? Drama?]

     Jack Morrison had seen war. He'd seen destruction. He'd seen fields of mutilated bodies, civilian and soldier alike. But he'd never seen somebody with a demeanor quite this openly threatening.

     "I'm not here to be Overwatch's b****," you spat at him from across his desk, lips pulled back in a snarl.

     Jack Morrison's frown deepened a bit. He didn't want to humor you with a response, even if it was to reprimand you. As intimidating as you tried to be, you were still under his command now. Quite literally, you were "his b****." Your tantrum wasn't going to change that.

     You scoffed at his silence. "I bet you think you've got all the control here. You think that I'm going to give in and be your obedient little cadet at one point or another," you persisted. "Bad news: I'm not. Reyes is my Commander, not some stuck-up poster boy who sits on his ass all day until it's time to pose for pictures."

     "I don't know how you did things in Blackwatch," Jack started evenly, if not a bit coldly, "but Overwatch doesn't tolerate insubordination." He leaned over his desk so that he was eye-level with you. "Especially not from some bratty cadet."

      You laughed mockingly. "I don't care what Overwatch does or does not tolerate. I'm never going to consider myself a part of your sad excuse for a militia."

     "This transfer is not your choice." Jack had dealt with cadets like you in the past. Spoiled kids with rich daddies who came to Overwatch expecting special treatment, disrespectful delinquents forced to either serve under his command or serve time in prison, Blackwatch transfers with pent up anger at the lack of funding their troops got⁠—they all broke eventually. You would be no different.

     "I'm going to level with you." You slouched back in your chair. "I have no respect for you. You're a commander who hasn't been on the field in years. You sit back with a bottle of liquor while you use an earpiece to boss all your pawns around. You're a joke, and I'll be damned if I have any reason to take you seriously. You might as well transfer me back to Reyes right now."

     Jack reached into his desk drawer and pulled out an old picture. He slid it across the desk and didn't wait for you to look at it before he started talking. "Reyes and I aren't much different. We joined the United States military together. We joined Overwatch together. He got siphoned off to Blackwatch because he couldn't match up to me. If anything, you owe me more respect than you owe him."

     "I know what you did," you huffed back at him. "I know about the deal you took."

     Jack hesitated. "What deal?"

     "The one that got Gabriel Reyes 'siphoned off.'" You shoved the picture back over to him, not bothering to so much as glance at it. "I know you two have a history. It just makes what you did to him that much more pathetic." You glare was sharp, calculating. "I'm not here to listen to your stories."

     "Gabe . . ." Jack started cautiously, "knows about all this? He told you?"

     "Oh, was it supposed to be a secret?" you snapped back with sarcastic malice. You had to bite back a cruel snicker as you studied Jack's expression. "I'm just teasing. I've known about this since I got my transfer notice. I'm still trying to figure out how to break the news to Commander Reyes."

     Jack locked his jaw. You weren't just a bratty cadet. You were one with an agenda. "What do you want from me?"

     "Leave it to you to weasel your way out of your problems with dirty little deals, huh?" You stood up and took a seat on the edge of Jack's desk. He could tell you were testing his boundaries. "What do I want?" you pondered aloud.

     He was gauging your reactions, trying not to let on how on-edge he was feeling. All these years, he'd lived with the guilt of what he'd done. Most nights he fell asleep to the sinking feeling of regret in his chest, tired of having to lie to Gabe and interact with him as though nothing was wrong. One thing was clear, though: if this deal Jack had made got out to the public, it'd only cause everybody involved more harm.

     "I want an affair."

     Jack eyes widened a bit, briefly distracting him from his panic. "An affair?"

     "Don't misunderstand me. I despise you." You weren't even looking at him anymore, eyes focused on some inconspicuous ceiling tile as you slipped a tube of bright red lipstick out of your pocket and spread it across your puckered lips. "This affair will be little more than an act. I want to keep up an appearance."

     He noted that the anger that had been in your voice earlier was now just a muted sense of hostility. "And what would this entail?"

      "You and I doing a very poor job of sneaking around." Your gaze flitted back to him momentarily. "I want this to seem like a scandal. The glowing commander of Overwatch taking advantage of one of his cute, younger cadets, so convinced that what he's doing is wrong that he tries to keep it a secret from everybody. It's a side of you nobody would expect."

     Jack narrowed his eyes at you. "I-"

     "Then again, nobody would expect you sabotaging a longtime friend, aiding in the corruption of your treasured organisation. Who knows what other deals you've taken? Besides me, of course."

     He leaned back in his seat, mentally exhausted. "How much do you know?"

     "Enough." You offered him a chilling grin. "You have two options right now, and I think we both know which one will cause more damage."

      Jack stared at you, a silence stretching between the two of you. "I'll do it."

     "Perfect." You stood up and walked around his desk, taking his tie in his hand and loosening it a bit. His breath caught in his throat as you leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheekbone, leaving behind a scarlet lipstick print. "We'll discuss the details later, in your living quarters. I look forward to working with you, Jack."

     Jack furrowed his brow as you stepped back and studied your handiwork. "Likewise," he said sarcastically.

     He stiffened as you dipped your head and pressed your lips to his. He could feel you smirking against him, knowing you'd won. He watched from his desk chair as you pulled away and started off towards his door. He could tell he was in for hell with you. "What do you get out of this?" he questioned, hoping for at least some semblance of an explanation.

     "Control." You opened the door with a flourish, offering a small smile to the person waiting behind it. "Commander Reyes," you greeted.

     You stepped outside. The door closed with a click as Gabe stepped in. "What on Earth did she do to you," he half-laughed, oblivious to the conversation Jack had just had with you.

      Jack caught a look of his reflection in his computer screen, your lipstick marking his cheek and mouth. He readjusted his tie and smoothed down his uniform shirt, the stress of the situation enough to numb his embarrassment. "Trust me when I say you don't want to know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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