2. Alexander

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"You have the period to finish the test, turn it in on the front desk when you're finished. Be quiet and ask me questions if you have any." The teacher says monotonously as she strolls through the rows of scattered students placing thick packets on each desk. When she approaches me, she pauses, smiling down towards me,

"I know you'll do great Alex."

"Haha yeah. I studied a lot for this one to be honest Miss Pemberley."

She answers me with a warm smile before turning back to placing the tests on the desks of the students in front of me. I bite my lip lightly to suppress my laughter.

Study? I think, as I glare down at the assorted math problems on my paper.

I concentrate my focus to the left of me: This test is easy, I remembered the equations the period before.

A grin curls selfishly along my lips as I listen to the thoughts of the boy next to me while copying his answers onto my paper. I work through the test with ease by following his thought process, however, after going through half of the test I notice him becoming unsure of himself and he begins to question his abilities.

That's alright, that's why there is twenty-three other students in the class, I think as I shift my focus to the girl in front of me.

Soon enough I am on the last question, which seems to be tripping multiple students up. Altering my focus between people I attempt to find an individual who understands the problem yet come up empty handed.

Shit, my perfect grade in this class.

Ever since I had learned about my telepathic power, I began to refine the skill. Learning how to turn on and off the ability to reduce my headaches and more importantly, to keep myself sane. My telepathic ability has proven time and time again to become a helpful tool in my life over the years. Specifically, in school by using this skill I've been able to climb to the top of my classes with ease by reading the thoughts of my peers. Although at times, I feel guilty for taking advantage of others hard work, I couldn't help but feel it was only natural to put this forbidden skill to use.

Scanning the room, I come across no individual who understands the question, so for a final attempt I direct my focus to the girl across from me.


The only thought I come across inside her mind is the word "No."

I almost jump out of my seat from

Does she know?

She turns her head towards me, her shoulder-length black hair covers one side of her pale face. What catches me off guard though, is her unforgiving gray eye glaring at me -- into me. Her arched eyebrow narrows as she watches me with clear disapproval.

"Constance, focus on your test please." Miss Pemberley states plainly, tapping her fingernails on Constance's desk.

She keeps her gaze on me a moment longer before turning her head back towards her test, but that doesn't prevent the image of her gray eye from burning in my memory. The darkness in her gray eye sending goosebumps up my arm as I stare blankly at my paper. Refocusing, I quickly scribble an answer down on my paper forgetting my desire for a perfect grade and I hastily drop the test on the front desk. I ask for permission to use the bathroom and I speedily shuffle out of the room down the hallway. As I walk towards the bathroom I feel my hands shaking. Chills run up and down my back as I remember Constance's, "No" inside my head.

There's no way she would be able to know, I think, I never make it obvious when I read someone's thought.

This isn't good, if people become suspicious of my ability - they'll turn me into the police. The Third Eye powers are one of the biggest federal offenses. I push open the door to the boy's bathroom. I need to calm down. It had to be a coincidence.

What do I do if she does know? Do I bribe her into not telling?

I look at my reflection in the mirror. Pushing my blonde hair back out of my light blue eyes as I shake my head.

"Get a fucking grip." I curse at myself not noticing the presence of somebody beside me.

Blushing red, I direct my gaze to the right to meet brown eyes. I've seen him before, he was in a couple of my classes throughout the years. I've observed him to be frequently alone and rarely speaking up in class. For group work, he opted to work alone, and on days of presentations he always never showed up.

He swishes his mouth to the side, eyeballing me with his brown eyes, "Are you okay?" he remarks lowly and stuffs his hands into his black sweatpants pockets, flipping his dark brown hair out of his eyes.

"Yeah - rough day." I nod darting my eyes around the room awkwardly to avoid his. When I look back towards him he is still watching me carefully. He shakes his head after a moment before replying curtly,


With that, he moves past me with his hands still stuffed into his pockets as he leaves. I sigh, gazing at myself in the mirror one last time.

Today is going to be a weird day.

// Thanks for reading everybody!💘❤️💘//

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