16. Alexander

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I blow a strand of blonde hair from my tired eyes as I walk sluggishly down the hallway towards Dante and I's room. After training with Constance for a little over an hour she decided I should eat and rest for the remainder of the evening while she stayed behind to train on her own. Honestly, I feel a little embarrassed by how completely exhausted I am in comparison to her but mostly I feel satisfied with how the lesson turned out overall.

After managing to land the first punch on her she stepped up her game making it more difficult for me, but regardless I still managed to land a few more hits in allowing me to learn more about the bittersweet enigma herself. From those few hits I learned the following:

Firstly, she eats a lot of mashed potatoes not only because they taste good but because her teeth are sensitive to many foods

Secondly, her favorite animals are sharks because she thinks they have funny faces.

And finally, her biggest pet peeve is people who excessively crack their knuckles.

I can't help but to smile at the thought of these trivial facts. This was the first time we had a real conversation together and despite her frequent teases and complaints I began to feel more comfortable around her. Even though she only opened up to me on a surface level it was certainly more progressive than these past couple of days.

As I am about halfway down the hall my ears perk up at the sound of quick-paced heavy footsteps growing significantly louder which each passing second.

What the hell? I think, as I turn around to look for the cause of the unusual noise.

My eyes grow wide with perplexion as I watch a familiar sleepy-eyed brunette sprinting at hypersonic speed towards me.

I wave my hand towards him to signal for his attention but as he swiftly reaches me he curtly shakes his head to dismiss my request leaving me in a further state of bewilderment as he continues on his determined descent down the hallway.

"Hey-y? What's wron-" I start to question but am interrupted by loud reverberating thuds that sound like a stampede of bulls. I whip back around in the direction the hurried boy originally came from to be greeted by a mob of girls racing towards me.




My stream of questions are interrupted and instead replaced with newfound fear as I realize the determined mob of girls enclosing on me at a rapid pace don't seem to care too much about my existence in the hallway.

"H-hey!" I call out trying to grab the attentions of the girls but my effort proves to be to of no avail as they charge past me ignoring my presence. However, one girl knocks into me which seems to break her from the trance she was previously in.

She blinks a couple of times diffusing the confusion from our encounter before looking up towards me to study me carefully. After a moment of awkward silence she breaks the tension,

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you!" I nod my head to signal my acceptance of her apology and she continues to speak, "By any chance do you know the boy with brunette hair and brown eyes? He's tall and he has pyrokinesis!"

I raise my eyebrow in curiosity as I deem the boy she's mentioning to be no other than Dante.

I clear my throat uncomfortably before replying, "Yeah he's my roommate and friend. His name's Dante. Why do you ask?"

She gasps before pressing the back of her palm to her forehead and letting out a high-pitched childlike squeal,

"He's so fucking hot."

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