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I guess it's just a fantasy

It's just a dream

You and i both think it won't come true.

But honestly,
Its quite possible
You could do it
I could too
We both could

So what's stopping us?

Is it what people would think?
Is it fear of all the new things that we could come across?

I don't know what's stopping you,
But I hope,
You make it happen.

And I hope,
That when I organize it all for me,
I'll do it too.

Because this will make it better. For me. For you. For a lot of other people too.

But you're not daring like i am,

You set boundaries
That you've learned not to cross

I don't have boundaries
I can see the ones people set for me but I dont pay attention to them

I'm not really scared anymore

Anything could happen

But I mean
Isnt it better to risk it all

Than to keep hurting ?

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