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He told me there was traps
He told me it was dangerous

He showed me how bad it could get
He showed me the spots that I'd fall in

He warned me about it
He tried to get me as far away

But I kept running back
And I kept falling on the same spots

I kept getting caught in the same traps
Over and over again

I kept running in circles
For months

I kept ignoring all the signs
The ones that told me not to step there

I kept jumping over the same fence
The one that says no trespassing

I tried finding a way out
But I kept running in circles

How dumb could I be?

He gave me a map
He showed me the way out
He made it so easy

But I didnt want to leave
I couldn't leave him there

So I kept running
Trying to find my way back to him
I kept running in circles
Passing the same trees
Falling over the same branches

And I keep running in circles
That now I'm kinda dizzy and disoriented

I'm not sure where to go.

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