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"The name is Tobias Farouk, warlord as you all know, of most of Saudi Arabia. He's allegedly responsible for the terrorist attacks in countless countries. Unfortunately, it is the only information we've all known for the past several years—but not for long."

The President, the Vice President, the Chief of Staff and the rest of the top government personnel were present for this meeting.

It was one of those meetings that required every organ, every wing and every mind to work together.

The PowerPoint, headed by the SecState, Nia Eaton, began only with the subject in bold. Tobias Farouk.

At the moment, a chart had been pulled up on the little information that was attained on the subject, information that was unknown until now.

"He's aged thirty-two," the SecState said, "mother died at birth, lived in Saudi Arabia his entire life, took over as warlord from his father, Hashid Farouk, at age fourteen."

There were gasps and murmurs at the thought of a fourteen year old boy with blood on his hands.

"He has made private alliances with Mexico, Ireland, North Korea, Russia, Italy, France, Germany, the list goes on. The man is rich beyond what you and I could ever imagine."

"Why are we knowing about these details now?" President Jackman said as the slide came down.

"They were highly privy to us, until we got an encrypted message from within Farouk's grounds. We do not know from who exactly or why we received it at all or if it's even valid information, but it is the only information we have."

Then the SecState turned back to the screen, her mildly heavy build gaining discomfort.

"Two photos were found within the information. But I must inform you in advance that the first one is quite explicit."

Vice-President Thorn chuckled. "Please, Secretary, we are all grownups here."

Then the SecState pressed a button and the slide came up endowing a picture of a man and woman, who seemed to have no clue they were being watched.

Only, it wasn't as simple as that, as the man stood with his dark head thrown back. His powerful olive skinned body was tensed and bare, but for his lower proximities that were hidden by a feminine haired head. Her naked body faced away from the camera as she knelt before him.

There were several deliberate coughs, the Vice-President's the loudest.

Another picture was pulled up, nothing explicit, but the man in it looked like sin itself.

The gasps were quite audibly from the women in the room. Only a few appreciative murmurs could be heard from the men.

Finally, the beautiful beast is unveiled.

"This is the infamous Tobias Farouk. It's so far the only picture of him in existence. And as you can see, he's devastatingly easy on the eyes."

Though the SecState did not have to voice her appreciation, it seemed like a silent agreement in the room to admit it.

The screen went black and the lights came up, illuminating the obvious blushes across most faces in the board room. The women looked suddenly guilty, no doubt having envied the woman who had been pleasing the warlord.

The air conditioned room suddenly seemed a little stuffy.

"And he supposedly has a child," the SecState said. "We have nothing on that. No name. No location. But the information says the child is anywhere out of the Middle East."

President Jackman regained his composure at the head of the table and cleared his throat to speak.

"Now that we have some leverage on him, we can arrange a meeting with him. And if at all he has half a heart to love his child, he can't refuse our proposal."

Jax Whiteley, the head of the CIA, spoke up.

"Tobias Farouk is obviously cautious and easily gets ticked off, so we have to approach carefully and harmlessly. I believe that Evangeline Pierce is a fair candidate for this job. She's undoubtedly intelligent and doesn't appear harmful."

The President's grey eyes widened. "Evangeline Pierce?"

"Yes. I think that she might be exactly what we need. Tobias Farouk doesn't seem like a man who'd take kindly to intimidation."

"I see. And you have no problem with sending off your ex-wife to a man who shoots anything that breaths?"

Jax pushed back his dirty blonde hair and narrowed his eyes.

"She'll be heavily protected when needed. And with all due respect, President, my relationship with Ms. Pierce has nothing to do with her outstanding ability to do her job."

Thirty minutes later of suggestions and disagreements, a decision was made.

Jax Whiteley stood, his attractive lanky form capturing everyone's attention.

"Reaching a final conclusion, Evangeline Pierce is still a strong candidate for the job. As soon she is contacted, she will be informed."

"Where is she?" Vice-President Thorne asked.


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