✱ chapter eight

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"What was that all about?" Youngjae asked as we sat down, letting our feet dangle in the pool.

After that whole thing went down in there with Jungkook, it seemed as if everyone around us just stopped dancing or drinking and decided to look at what was going on between us.

Yeah, because us three are way more interesting.

We decided to get out of there before anything else happened. The whole place just got so tense super quick.

Why did Jungkook act the way he did?

I gasped as a beautiful thought passed my mind. My heart fluttered.

Was he mad because I technically beat him? He thought I wasn't going to bring a date, but here I am.

With a date.

Does this mean I finally won?

"I have no idea," I finally answer his question, taking a chip from my plate and popping it into my mouth.

We were currently outside, letting our feet go in the pool. There were a couple people in the pool, but overall there were not many people in the backyard. It was quiet and nice.

Plus, no Jungkook. Makes for an even better place.

"He seemed almost jealous, don't you think?" Youngjae countered.

I whipped my head quickly to face him, my eyes wide. I shook my head furiously. "No no no no no no no. He was definitely not jealous. If anything, he was shocked because he didn't think that I would actually bring a date. I beat him!"

Youngjae furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean you beat him? Did you guys make a bet or something?"

My smile began to falter as I began to replay the events that happened earlier this week.

Technically, we didn't make a bet. This wasn't a competition either. This was more of Jungkook seeing right through me and thinking that I wasn't going to come through.

I didn't win.

Damn it.

I slump my shoulders and sighed. "No, never mind."

"Anyways, I think he was jealous. Do you think any guy would react the way he did just because I kissed your head?"

I snorted. "Trust me, Jeon Jungkook was not jealous."

Youngjae gaped at me. "Are you really that thick-headed?"


He sighs while shaking his head and looking up at the sky. "Nevermind."

I shrug and continue eating my chips.

Jungkook wasn't jealous, right? Maybe he was just . . . disappointed that I actually did bring someone?

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