✱ chapter nineteen

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miyoung pov

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miyoung pov

"You coming to the basketball game tonight? I heard they're playing state champs." Nayoung says as she plops down beside me in homeroom.

I scoff, flipping the page of my book without looking back up at her. "And see sweaty boys running back and forth trying to get some ball in a hoop? I'm out."

She whined, grabbing my arm and shaking it. "Please come! Hoseok is coming tonight and I want you and him to get along better."

Oh that's right, Nayoung and Hoseok have officially begun dating.

I completely forgot about that. What a great best friend I am!

"I can get to know him better another time. Why would I want to talk to him when sweat is flying around the room?"

"Because he wants to go watch his friends." She pouts.

I sigh. "Nayoung. . . no."

"Miyoung. Yes."






"Damn it I thought that would work." She whispered under her breath. "Miyoung please come, you don't even have to stay the entire time, just a half."

I groaned, knowing full well that even if I continued to say no, Nayoung would not stop talking about it for the rest of the day.

And she knows how I get when people talk about the same topic a full day.

"Fine." I mutter out, bluntly ignoring her squeals of happiness.

"Thank you!"

I ignore her again and continue to read my book, dreading for a gym full of sweaty boys.

- - -

Of course Jungkook happened to be the friend Hoseok was talking about.

And of course Nayoung forgot to mention that part.

She knew that I wouldn't have dared set foot into the gym if I knew he was playing in the game.

"I actually hate you right now." I whisper in Nayoung's ear as we find open spots on the benches near the court.

Great. Now we have a better chance of the basketball getting thrown in our faces or their sweats coming on us.

And we can get a lovely smell of their body odor! How great!

She grins sheepishly at me while gripping Hoseok's arm. "You're the best!"

I huff out a breath and look out at the other side of the court unamused.

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