✱ chapter twenty-eight

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miyoung pov

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miyoung pov

I was shocked. What the hell just happened?

Why did Jungkook get so defensive? I was only trying to help him.

He was miserable, I know he was. But why?

"Miyoung," Taehyung breaks me out of my thoughts. "Just ignore him, let's enjoy our date. I don't want him or Miyeon ruining our special day today."

I purse my lips, still watching their now disappearing figure.

He was right. Technically, this date was only supposed to be Taehyung and I. There was no way I was going to let anything ruin this, especially Jungkook.

I've waited so long for this moment.

I turn around and beam at him. "You're right. Wanna ride the ferris wheel?"

He nods and takes my hand, leading me to the ferris wheel.

I had to remove all thoughts of Jungkook right now. I was on a date with Taehyung, I shouldn't let any thoughts about Jungkook cloud my mind.

I want to enjoy this date as much as I can.

We were getting on the ferris wheel. The worker tightened the seat belt and we were off.

It was quiet between us, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was peaceful. We were too busy admiring the view.

"Hey," Taehyung calls. I turn my head and look at him. "I'm sorry, about Jungkook and all. I didn't think it was going to end up like this."

I nod. "It's okay, it's not your fault."

He sighs. "I agree with you, though. Jungkook didn't look like he was having fun at all with Miyeon."

"I don't know why he blew up like that," I say. "I was only trying to help."

Taehyung mutters something under his breath that I couldn't catch.

"What?" I ask, but he dismisses it.

I look out to see the view.

I feel Taehyung scooting closer to me and wrapping an arm around me. I laugh and turn to face him, a cheeky smile enveloping his face.

"That was such a cheesy move." I comment.

Taehyung beams. "Well, we're at the top of the ferris wheel. I think you know what that means."

I giggle while feeling the blush starting to take over. "Yep."

He starts to lean in, his eyes fluttering shut. I purse my lips and follow his actions.

His lips were now on mine, our movements were slow. He scoots closer and hugs me with that one arm that he had previously wrapped around.

I cup his cheek with one hand, my other hand leaning on his arm.

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