● special chapter 1 ~ jungkook pov

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based on chapters 7 & 8

if you don't remember what chapters 7 & 8 were about, they were when taehyung invited miyoung to his birthday party. miyoung brought a fake date to show jungkook that she wasn't lame (aka youngjae). jungkook was jealous of youngjae but miyoung thought nothing of it and mistook it for being "angry that she beat him in bringing someone." miyoung builds up the courage to ask taehyung to dance, and taehyung kisses her, which makes jungkook EXTREMELY jealous lmao.

so this'll just loosely be combined with the two chapters mushed up into one. enjoy this special jungkook POV chapter!

 enjoy this special jungkook POV chapter!

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jungkook pov

A date? Since when did Miyoung score a date for Taehyung's party? Wasn't she into Taehyung or some shit like that?

I ruffle my hair as I walk out of the cafeteria, trailing behind Taehyung who had his hands shoved down his pockets with a straight face.

"Dude, you good?" I cautiously ask him as I make my way to walk beside him. He glances at me quickly before looking ahead of him again.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" He mutters.

I shrug. "I dunno, you tell me."

Knowing Taehyung's stubbornness, he was most likely annoyed about the news of Miyoung and her so called "date." I knew he wanted her there so he would be able to spend some time with her and charm her.

There was no need for that because everyone knows she's already swooned by him.

That is, everyone except Taehyung.

"Aren't you even the slightest bit annoyed that Miyoung's got a date? Hell, she was even planning on skipping my birthday because of if. Not cool. I thought we were friends." He says, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

I stifle a chuckle and glance at him. "Pretty sure your problem goes beyond just friends," I say while feeling the familiar pang in my heart. "And I'm not too worried about this so-called date. I'm a hundred percent sure she's bluffing."

"Bluffing? Why do you say that?"

I purse my lips and shrug. "Reasons. I bet she won't bring one."

There was no way her parents were letting her go to a party after I had made her stay over late. Knowing the Park's, they were super strict about curfew. If Miyoung's parents let her go out Saturday night, than that was truly a miracle.

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