✱ chapter thirty-five

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miyoung pov

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miyoung pov

"Park Miyoung!" My teacher snapped at me, causing me to break out of my trance. "It'd be lovely if you came back from dreamland and focused on the lesson. All of this is going to be on the next test, and I'm sure you out of all people don't want to fail it."

"Yes sir." I muttered under my breath, subtly rolling my eyes.

He hummed and turned back around to continue his lesson.

I huffed out a breath and began to take notes.

I felt a nudge by my side. I turn my head to see Nayoung with a confused look etched on her face. "You alright?"

Nodding, I turn back to my notes. "Yeah, I'm okay." I whisper and continue to write down what my teacher was explaining.

Lie. I was not fine.

All of my thoughts had been currently all about the one and only Jeon Jungkook, and I didn't know why.

For some reason, it bothered me a ton when he said that it was just a stupid dare. He said it so... bluntly and without a care in the world, and it ticked me off.


Why was I so bothered about it?

It had been almost a week since the incident occurred and I hadn't been the same since. I had been constantly avoiding both Jungkook and Taehyung like the plague.

I don't know why I had thrown Taehyung into the mix. Maybe it was still because I was embarrassed over the whole ordeal that he literally sat on me for a good thirty minutes without budging to get up.

Why was I overthinking this whole thing?

Taehyung had noticed that I was trying my hardest to avoid him, and he didn't do much to try to talk to me.

The one time he did, I bowed and ran away from him as quickly as I could. After that, he didn't try to talk to me again.

I would catch his gaze every now and then, but that was the most contact we exchanged the whole week. Neither one of us dared to say a word to the other.

The thought itself made me upset. I don't want to lose Taehyung over some of my stupid thoughts that made no absolute sense. Taehyung is someone that I hold dear to my heart.

And as for Jungkook? Well... it seems like he's been avoiding me as well.

Every time we see each other in the hall or in the classes, we both look away and focus on other things that don't involve each other in any way.

Why is he avoiding me though? Was he embarrassed about the kiss as well? Or was I too cold on him when I left his house?

Well, can you blame me?

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