✱ chapter twenty-two

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miyoung pov

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miyoung pov

"Miyoung. . . would you like to go on a date with me?"

After those words left his mouth, I had completely froze all over. My heart stopped beating, my eyes were stuck in their wide position, and I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing in general.

Did the Kim Taehyung just ask me out on a date?

The guy I've been crushing on likes me back?

All of this new information was too hard to wrap my mind around it.

"What?" I managed to croak out awkwardly.

What are you doing Miyoung? God himself just asked you out on a date, why are you not saying YES you dumbass?

Taehyung brought his hand up to his neck, rubbing it while chuckling awkwardly. "I knew this would be awkward. Just forget I said anything."

I blinked a couple of times.

Miyoung get your head in the fucking game!

"Yes!" I practically scream, causing Taehyung to jump back in surprise. "Yes I would love to go on a date with you."

His face morphed from awkward to sheer happiness. "Really?"

I nod happily and he engulfs me in a hug which I happily return. "Thank you so much Miyoung, I promise I will show you a good time on this date!"

I don't even try to conceal the grin that made its way onto my face.

But my grin soon falls when I see a figure standing five feet away from us.


Was he watching us the entire time?

His face. . . I can't explain it. He looked defeated almost.


Did I win?

But what did I win at?

His shoulders were slumped. He just stood there, watching us hug.

That's a little creepy.

Taehyung and I pull away from the hug. "I'll text you details for our date. Thank you so much for giving me a chance!" He says happily, running off to his next class while bidding me goodbye.

in time ✱ j. jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now